War on terror cover pic

War on Terror Summative

  • U.S. Embassy Bombings

    U.S. Embassy Bombings
    American embassies in Kenya, and Tanzania were bombed, in result of roughly 220 fatalities.
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    Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranians get into the U.S. embassy, and their actions ruin their relations with the states. Iranian students got into the U.S. embassy and detained more than fifty Americans. The Iranians held these Americans hostage for exactly 444 days, during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and eight Americans died.
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    Iraq and Iran War

    Iran and Iraq go to war. Neither country gained any land, and with this, roughly one million people died. The result of the war was a stalemate. This war broke out due to territorial border conflicts with the two states. The United States were on the Iraq side, also causing some tension.
  • George H.W. Bush sends troops to Somalia

    George H.W. Bush sends troops to Somalia
    The 41st U.S. President, H.W. Bush sent roughly 28,000 American troops out to Somalia. Bush did this in regards to helping the Somani people. They did this in hopes of assisting relief as a part of the United Nations Effort.