War on Terror

  • 610

    Birth of Islam

    Birth of Islam
    Muhammed begins to receive the message of God from the angel, Gabriel for the next 23 years.
  • 622

    Muhammed takes his followers to Medina

    Muhammed leaves Mecca to Medina with his believers which is known as Hijra. Hijra marks the starts the Islamic calendar and the start of the Muslim community.
  • 630

    Conquest of Mecca

    Conquest of Mecca
    After eight years, Muhammed returned to Mecca with even more followers and peacefully surrendered the city. He removed idols from the Kaaba mosque. A black shroud was also added to the Kabba represent the death of polytheism and the birth of monotheism.
  • Period: to

    Beginning of Al-Qaeda

    Al Qaeda, "the Base" began when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. It is a terrorist organization ran by Saudi Arabian Osama Bin Laden.
  • Iranian revolution

    leads to the establishment of a theocratic regime, heightening tensions between the West and Islamic movements. 66 Hostages
  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraq War

    Iraq invaded Iran and captured many cities. War ended in a stalemate. Unites States sided with Iraq in order to prevent Iran from becoming stronger. The Soviet army left Afghanistan in 1988.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    United States secretly sells weapons to Iran to release American hostages in 1985. People find out in 1986, causing the public to become outraged, investigations to occur, and officials to become indicted.
  • Iran invades Kuwait

    Iran accuses Kuwait of stealing oil from the Rumalia oil field in 1990. Iran felt Kuwait was overproducing oil and draining shared resources. This was only made worse after the Iran-Iraq War, sinceIraq was struggling financially. The accusation lead to Iraq invading Kuwait. This invasion led to the Gulf War and increased U.S. military presence.
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    Operation Desert Field

    US Military operation which occured to help and Saudi Arabia when Iraq decided to invade Kuwait.
    United States is asked by Saudi Arabia to establish military bases in their country so the Iraqi advance and conquest of Saudi Arabia are stopped.
    Osama bin Laden offered Saudi Arabia his soldiers to fight the Iraqi army. Bin Laden leaves Saudi Arabia once invasion is over.
  • Period: to

    Persian Gulf War

    On January, 1991, coalition forces invade Kuwait and by February, 1991, with coalition forces defeating the Iraqi military Kuwait is liberated. UN Sanctions abused a series of sanctions to pressure Iraq to withdraw. The war caused heavy destruction in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein remained in power, leading to future tensions in the region.
  • USA in Somali

    President George H.W. Bush sends 28,000 American troops to Somalia to help the Somalia and stop warlords in order to be able to send them food.
  • World Trade Center bombing

    Truck bomb explodes in the underground garage of the North Tower in New York City by a group led by Ramzi Yousef, the attack killed six people and injured over a thousand. Occured because of opposition to U.S. foreign policies in the Middle East. The bombing led to increased security measures and a thorough FBI investigation, resulting in several arrests, including Yousef, who received a life sentence. This incident foreshadowed the larger terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
  • Car Bombing of Khobar Towers

    Osama Bin Laden is expelled form Sudan due to his attacks, so he returns to Afghanistan. Car bombing of Khobar Towers occurs in Saudi Arabia when a truck bomb explodes outside of house complex, causing 19 Americans were killed and hundreds injured.
  • Embassy Bombings

    American Embassies located in Africa, (Kenya, and Tanzania) were both bombed at the same time causing confusion and many deaths and casualties. Under Bill Clinton, the United States sent missiles to strike Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and Sudan, but it was ineffective.
  • Fatwa

    Al Qaeda, led by bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri declare war on America.
  • USS Cole Attack

    Al Qaeda agents in Yemen sent a suicide bomber on a small speedboat onto the USS Cole, a warship of the US Navy, and detonated the bomb, causing a huge hole to blast in the ship and 17 sailors to lose their lives.
  • Flight 93

    Due to the few passengers, Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania rather than the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
  • 9/11

    Planes crash into twin towers in New York City, killing 2819 people and 343 Paramedics and firefighters. The planner of the attack was Khalid Sheik Muhamad from Saudi Arabia.
  • War on Terror Begins

    George W. Bush announced that war against terrorists had began and US invades Afghanistan.
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    Iraq War March

    Second Gulf War, began in March 2003 when the United States and coalition forces invaded Iraq This happened because of the belief that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and were a threat. Iraq and Al-Qaeda were said to have no evidence of a connection in 2004.
  • Period: to

    Yemen and Syria

    Humanitarian crisis occurs. Many children are left without food or education as well due to the war in Yemen and the Proxy war
  • Arab Spring

    Protests held in the Middle East and North Africa regarding corruption and the economic state of the country.
  • Period: to

    Damage in Iraq

    Iraq faces multiple damage and a destroyed city. Many children are left without an education and forced to work in order to survive. People have many jobs that lead to little pay.
  • Death of Osama Bin Laden

    Terrorist Osama bin Laden was killed by the United States in Pakistan. Incident was announced to the World and celebrated.