Fort Michilimackinac
-Patriots won Fort Michilimackinac from Britidh in June 1812
-British and Natives teamed up and won Fort in July 17, 1812
-surpise attack with 70 canoes
-Patriots surrendered without a fight
-British later built Fort Geogre -
Fort Detriot
-June 1812 Hull led army to capture Sandwich
-retreated in August to their fort in Detriot
-Brock ambushed Patriots in Detriot
-Tecumseh helped Brock win Detriot
-Brock and Tecumseh traded sashes as tokens of friendship -
The Battle of Queenston Heights
-Patriots attacked Fort Geogre
-Brock was an easy target and he died
-General Sheaffe came with his British army and helped
-British won
-Patriots forced to retreat