war of 1812 timeline project

  • battle of tippecanoe

    the U.S won over the shawnee indians. the indians were led by tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa.
  • U.S decalres war on britian

    president james madison signed a declaration of war against great Britian.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    the americans won the battle of queenston heights, The bodies of Major General Brock and Lieutenant Colonel Macdonell were carried back to Newark where they laid in state for three days before being buried.
  • Battle of River Raisin

    British and Canadians and Indians attacked American soldiers along the River Raisin
  • Siege of Fort Meigs

    the americans won , the british abandon siege.
  • Battle at Sackets Harbor

    A British force was transported across Lake Ontario and attempted to capture the town.
  • Battle of the Thames

    the Americans won this battle against Tecumseh and British allies.
  • Capture of Fort Niagara

    the americans were taken by surprise by the british during the night at fort niagara.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    word didn't get around very fast back then , the war was ended before the battle had started.
  • Battle of Lundy’s Lane

    the battle of lundy's lane was by niagara falls it was a battle between the british, americans, and canadians.
  • Battle of Bladensburg

    the battle was fought at the chesapeake campaign.
  • Burning of Washington D.C.

    the british invaded washington D.C., it was the first time foreign powers were able to raid the capital.
  • Bombardment of Fort McHenry

    powerful navy forces attacked and bombed fort mc, henry.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    the treaty of ghent ended the war 1812.
  • Fort Michilimackinac surrenders to the British

    the treaty of ghent was the only thing keeping the peace.