War of 1812 Timeline

By peyton5
  • The Louisiana Purchase was Finalized

    The Louisiana Purchase was Finalized
    This event is significant because of how much it expanded America. Our land almost doubled and it created a lot more opportunities for trade and civilization. Another big plus was that we got it for a really good deal.
  • Embargo Act is passed

    Embargo Act is passed
    The U.S. Embargo acts closed all of the ports from Great Britain. This may sound like a good thing but at the time that was one of the main trade routes to get goods so closing it really hurt the economy.
  • James Madison becomes the 4th President

    James Madison becomes the 4th President
    This event is significant because it marks the begining of a new President and shows that another election has been one. Madison becoming President was very big to him because he already did so much for the creating of a government.
  • British-Canadians win the Battle at Queenston Heights, Ontario

    British-Canadians win the Battle at Queenston Heights, Ontario
    This event is significant because it is the first loss that the American's faced in this war. They had the idea to take over and control Canada but the loss of this war meant that those plans could not happen.
  • America Delcares War on Great Britain

    America Delcares War on Great Britain
    This is a very large event for this War because it marked the start of it and it was the first time the America had ever declared war on somebody. Even thought American's had already fought for independence that kind of had to do it again because Great Britain had almost tried to take control again.
  • Great Britain declares war on the United States

    Great Britain declares war on the United States
    This event was very important because it officially started the war between these two nations. Great Britain technically had the advantage because they had the British Navy and they had an alliance with Canada and some of the Indian tribes. This just shows how big this war was.
  • Madison is inagurated for second term as President

    Madison is inagurated for second term as President
    President James Madison was re-elected for a second four-year term right after his first term expired. His presidency was very important to out government because of how much he did in office. He helped write the federalist papers and was event named "the Father of the Constitution"
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The Battle of Thames was a very important event because of the outcome that happened. American forces were up against British men and some Indiam tribes. American's ended up winning but in the end the famed leader Tecumseh ended up getting killed.
  • The Burning of Washington DC

    The Burning of Washington DC
    This event was very significant in this war because it was very destructive and showed how much the British wanted to win and have control over America. This was also a big day for the First Lady which was Dolley Madison at the time. She risked her life to save the portrait of George Washington and a lot of very important papers that were in one of the buildings that was getting burnt down.
  • Francis Scott Key Writes the first lines of the Star Spangled Banner

    Francis Scott Key Writes the first lines of the Star Spangled Banner
    This event was very big because it plays a very large role in something that is used almost everyday in todays world. The Star Spangled Banner was written as a poem but Francis Scott Key during the Battle of Fort McHenry. He did not realize that the words to that poem would be used almost everyday and would become the country that he was fighting for's national anthem.