War of 1812 Project

  • Started Research

    Started Research
    On January 21ish I started research on my project.
  • Continued research

    Continued research
    I continued to work on my research so I would know what I was presenting to the class.
  • Kept researching

    Kept researching
    I kept researching to get a better understanding of my project.
  • Laws and Bills

    Laws and Bills
    By this time I was starting to learn about the different laws and bills that were passed dring the war of 1812.
  • More research

    More research
    AS I was starting to find out, I could not find any new information no matter how many sites I checked. They all had the same things. (Picture represents thigns that are the same)
  • Started creating Prezi

    Started creating Prezi
    On May 4 I started to construct my Prezi for my presentation.
  • Finished Prezi

    Finished Prezi
    On May 12 I "finished" my prezi that I would be using for my presentaion.
  • Proofreading

    I started to proofread my finished prezi dso that there would be no mistakes.
  • Practiced Presentation

    Practiced Presentation
    I practiced my presentation a lot at home so that I would be prepared for rmy presentation to the class and to make sure that it would be long enough without having to repeat myself.
  • Presented

    I presented my project to the class.