The Convention of 1800 between France and the USnullifies the Treaty of 1778
Jefferson elected president.
Washington, D.C. becomes the national capital
Period: to
War of 1812 Events
President Adams appoints "midnight judges" to tighten Federalist control of the courts
The federal government sells its shares in the Bank of the United States
The Republican Congress repeals the judiciary Act of 1801
The Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
James Madison elected President
Battle of Tippecanoe
James Madison re-elected president
Congress provides for a 35,000 man regular army, gives Madison the power to call up state militias, and declares war on England
Napoleon defeated in Europe;
British troops are transferred to America and move on Washington.
The Peace of Ghent provides settlement of minor disputes between United States and Britain, leaves major issues of war untouched
Andrew Jackson's victory over the British at New Orleans