War of 1812

  • Jefferson is realected

    Jefferson is realected
    In 1804 Jeferon was elected president his opponent was Charls C. Pinkly
  • Embargo Act 1807

    It forbid all international trade to and from American ports , and jefferson hoped that Britan and Fance would be perswaed of the values.
  • Mdison become president

    Mdison become president
    In 1808 James Mandsion became president and defeated Charles Pinkly and Gorge clinon
  • Battle of Tippecano

    This battle was betwen the United States and the Native Americns .State forces led by Govener Willim Harrson of the Indiana Terriory . Also Native American warriors asssiosiated with the Shawnee leader Tecumseh .
  • War of 1812 begins

    Was fought between the United States and Great Britan,because of this there was trade issues and impresiment of salors,and Britsh support of Indians attacks of the frounteer.
  • The British burn Washinton

    The British burn Washinton
    The Brittish burnt the White house and so many oher buildings among with it.It was a day of confustion,and misfourtune
  • The Battl of Lake Errie

    Oliver Hazzard Perry of the Unites States Navy and his crew of 557 pratriouts wet over the Brittish fleet in the battle.
  • Battle of Thames

    The battle of Thames was also known as th Battle of Moraviantown, was a decive United States victory in the war. This battle took place in Upper Canada
  • Battle of Lake Champlin

    Part of the goal of the war of 1812 was to gain Lake Champlin and the grat lakes.But Lietentant was charged with the ogination of the U.S navel fleet on lake champlin
  • The Battle at New Orleans

    Eventhough they singed the treaty of Ghent U.S general Andew Jackson schives the winning od the battle,Whitch forced the British back to Canada
  • Teaty of Ghent

    This was a peace treaty that was singes in the city of ghent That ended the war.