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War of 1812 and Rebellion of 1837

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    War of 1812 and Rebellion of 1837

    Timeline from the beginning of the War of 1812, to the Rebellion of 1837.
  • War of 1812 begins.

    War of 1812 begins.
    War of 1812 begins.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights.

    Battle of Queenston Heights.
  • Battle of York.

    Battle of York.
  • Battle of Lake Erie.

    Battle of Lake Erie.
  • Burning of Washington.

    Burning of Washington.
  • War of 1812 ends.

    War of 1812 ends.
  • Fils de Liberty (Sons of Liberty) organation is formed.

    Fils de Liberty (Sons of Liberty) organation is formed.
  • Rebellion of Lower Canada begins.

    Rebellion of Lower Canada begins.
  • Martial Law is declared in Montreal.

  • Rebel leaders Sameul Lount and Peter Mattews are hanged for treason in Toronto.