War of 1812

By PiperM
  • Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
    Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality was a response to America being dragged into the ongoing war between Great Britain and France. This proclamation was put in place to show that America was its own nation, a nation that did not want to be in this war. Washington knew that America was not ready for a war and this was one of the steps that he took in order to prevent a war from occurring in North America.
  • Impressment of Sailors

    Impressment of Sailors
    The impressment of sailors was a time in which American sailors were being questioned and kidnapped by the British Navy. This lasted for approximately 19 to 23 years. The impressment of sailors only made the tension between Americans and Britians grow. This led to the war of 1812.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    Jay's Treaty was a treaty between America and Britain. This treaty was established in hopes for war to not break out between the two countries. Even though this treaty strengthened Britain and America's alliance, it made the tension between France and America grow even more.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell Address was meant to be a letter to the Nation. This letter was written in hopes that Americas neutrality would not change after he was no longer in office. Washington was trying to warn the nation of having strong foreign relations.
  • Chesapeake - Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake - Leopard Affair
    The Chesapeake - Leopard Affair was an engagement that happened between America and Britain. This affair happened between two ships, the British Fourth-Rate HMS Leopard, and the American Frigate USS Chesapeake. Britain won the fight. This entire engagement made America upset because the American side did not fight as hard as they should have and that was an embarrassment to America as a whole.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    Embargo Act 1807
    The Embargo Act of 1807 limited foreign trade in America. It was set in place by the United States. This embargo made it so no foreign goods entered America and no good left America either. This was an attempt to get other countries, Great Britain and France, to stop stealing American vessels. This embargo further harmed America. Many people lost their jobs and their income since trade was no longer allowed.
  • Tecumseh

    On this date, Tecumseh had come to America and tried to get America to with hopes to stop American expansion. He was trying to represent the Natives and their want for their land to not be taken over. America did not care so they turned down this negotiation between America and the Natives, which led to violence. Since Tecumseh did not want violence he fled to go be allies with the British.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks
    War Hawks were young politicians. These people were important because they were pressuring America to go to war with Britain. People in this group: Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and Felix Grundy.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    Many events led up to the War of 1812. Great Britain and America fought and the war ran through all of America and into Canada. This war led to America gaining respect in different parts of the world for being able to hold its own weight in a war against Britain.
  • Tecumseh

    This date was the date of Tecumseh's death. He died during the Battle of Thames because his troops were overpowered by the others. Since Tecumseh had passed away the Indian Confederacy fell.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention were meetings in place to discuss the feeling that the New England Federalists had on the War of 1812. They believed that this war was not okay, and they expected George Washington to redress it. The New England Federalists felt as though they deserved an apology. The party ended up losing the power that it had and eventually they were forgotten.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was a treaty between Great Britain and America. This treaty was put in place so that America could have back the land that Britain had gained in the Northwest. Both America and Britain also had said that they were going to try to end slave trading.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans occurred between Britain and America. This battle was fought because Britain wanted the land that America had recently purchased. The United States ended up winning this battle. This battle was over all significant because it was the last major outbreak of violence that had occurred between Britain and the United States.