War of 1812

  • Washingtons proclamation of neutrality

    George Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality to have a policy for the United States because of the spreading of war in Europe. He did this because he felt as if the United States was not prepared to insert another war, and he felt as if it was important for a country to know its limits.
  • Jay's Treaty

    This was a treaty between the United States and Britain where Great Britain agreed on letting go of their posts (forts) in the Northwest which then would allow trade. A way that Jay's treaty was connected to the war of 1812 is Jay wasn't able to end the impressment of American sailors into the Royal army which by the year of 1812 would become a problem.
  • Washington's Farwell Address

    When Washington set out to give the United States advice. To warn the Americans against the danger of political parties and to always remain neutral in foreign conflicts and to always celebrate their achievements.
  • Embargo act of 1807

    An attempt by Thomas Jefferson to stop all American ships from trading in foreign ports. It was intended to hurt France and Britain but it actually hurt America more than both of them. This later resulted in widespread smuggling.
  • War hawks

    When a group of republicans demanded that the United States declare war against Great Britain. War hawk's whole purpose was to have war with Great Britain. Their hatred for Britain caused a major spark in the war of 1812.
  • Impressment of Soldiers

    This was one of the main causes of the war of 1812. Britain decided to let officers baord American ships, inspect some of the crew, and eventually seize sailors accused of being British sailors. The United States got tired of this and declared war on Great Britain resulting in one of the causes for the war of 1812.
  • War of 1812 begins

    This was when President Madison signed a declaration of war against Great Britain all because of such things as impressments, settlements, and also interference with trade
  • Hartford

    After the war of 1812, some of the federalists from New England wanted to change something about the constitution in order to have less power for the western and southern states to give New England some more power.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The British and American troops British troops wanted to claim territories of the Lousiana purchase because they didn't notice land deals made by Napoleon as promised, but in this case, the British did not win this war and were not able to gain any territories.