Period: to
War of 1812
President Madison Takes office
- The Americans felt that his approach was too timid. 2.The United states should stand up to Native Amerians and Foreign countries.
- British and French navies were seizing American ships. 4.some congress memders were worried adout the cost of war.
- The united states went to war with Native Americans.
War Hawks take power
1.They had a strong sense of nationalism.
2.Members of congress from the south and west who called for war are called war hawks
3.Henry Clay was the most outspoken War Hawks
4.He wanted war for two reasons. One to get revenge on Britian and to conquer canada.
5.They felt Britian was still treating the United states as if it were still a british colony. -
Relations with great Britain worson
1.The fight with Native Americans caused relations between the Untied states and Britain worson.
2. Britain was supplying guns and ammunition to native Americans on the frontier.
3.They also encouraged Indians to attack United states settlements.
4. They continued to disagree over trade. -
American is not ready for war
- Britain was not willing to meet American damand to avoid war.
- Americans were not confident that they would win.
- It soon became apparent that the united states was not prepared for war.
- Jefferson's spending cuts weakend the military.
- The navy only had 16 warships ready for action and the army was fewer than 7,000 men.
Congress declares war on britain
- To prevent the American trade with France, Bitain warships blockaded some American ports
- Americans crippled the British ships and left 32 British dead or wonded.
- Madison at last gave into war fever , he asked congress to declare war on Britain.
- The voted 79 to 49 in favor of the war.
- The senate voted 19 to 13 in favor of the war
Britain Blockades American ports
1.they were to stop the Americans from trading with forgien countries
2.135warships blockaded american ports.
3.British were able to close off all ports by the end of the war
4.There was a majoor sea battle before teh beggining of the war -
Invasion of Canada
- It occured at the beggining of the American Revolution.
- Colonial troops marched all the way to Quebec City Before Being repelled. 3.About 7.5 million pepole lived in the U.S. , Compered to only about 500,000 in Canada
- American troops were under General William Hull, They Invaded canada from Ditroit.
- Hull Feared He did not Have enough troops so soon He retreated
USS constitution scores a victoy
1.defeated The British warship Gueriere in a fierce battle.
2. It seened It was made of Iron.
3.American sailors Nicknamed the ship " Old Ironsides". When The britished fired their artillery it bounced right off the wooden hull. -
Writing of the star spangled Banner
- Francis Scott Key, a young American, watched the attack of Baltimor.
- Key still saw the American flag flying high over teh fort at dawn.
- Americans had beaten off teh attack.
- Key wrote a pome he called "the star spangled Banner" on an old envelope.
- It was the story of his night's Watch.
battle of lake Erie
- Captin Oliver Hazard Perry Had No fleet.
- He designedhis ships.
- Sailed a tiny Fleet against the British. 4.British battered Perry's own ship and left it Helpless. 5.The Americans won the battle, He wrote his Message of the victory on the back of an envelope.
- Perry was the Captain for the Americans.
Battle of Thames
- The united states won
- near present-day chatham, ontaio in upper canada
- The Death of The Shawnce Chef Tecumseh
Horshoe Bend
- Anderw jackson was a Tennessee officer who took command of american troops.
- The creek warriors attacked several southern American settlements. 3.Leader of the creekswalked into Jackson's camp to Surrender. 4.Jackson won the Battle.
- The Treaty that ended the fighting forced the creeks to give up Millions of acers of land.
Washington D.C. attacked and Burned
- British force marched into Washington D.C.
- The Presidents wife gathered important papers and fled the white house
- British set Fire to sevelal goverment buildings, including The White House 4.Americans were shocked to find that their army could Not defend Washington.(pg 330)
Hartford convention
- In Hartford Connecticut.
- Most were Federalists.
- They disliked The Republican Prestdent And the war 4.The deligates threatened To leave The union if the war continud on. 5.The Delagates Also debated what to do, Also news of the peace Treaty arrived.
Treaty of Ghent
- Was signed on Christmas Eve 1814 In Ghent , Belgium.
- Britain and The U.S. Agreed to Restor pre-war conditions.
- Amerians felt that the War of 1812 had been a Mistake.
- Oliver Hazard Perry And Andrew Jackson gave Americans New Pride inTheir country.
- Others Argued That Europe would now Treat teh Republic with More Respect.
Attack on Baltimore
- British moved from Washinton to Baltimore. 2.Their ojective Was Fort McHenry, Which defended the Hardor.
- War ships Bombarded the fort through out the night.
Battle Of New Orleans
- British prepared to attack New Orleans, But Andrew jackson was Waiting for them.
- Jackson turned his Fighters into A strong army.
- He marched Through Modile and set up camp in New Orleans.
- Americans cheered the Victory. 5.only 7 americans died