War of 1812

  • Jefferson reelected

    Jefferson reelected president in 1804
  • Embargo Act passed

    Jefferson passed the Embargo Act on Dec 22, 1807
  • Madison Elected President

    James Madison is elected president
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    The battle of Tippecanoe took place on Nov 7, on Indian territory
  • War of 1812 begins

    War of 1812 begins
    The war of 1812 took place in 4 different places in 1812 and ended 3 years later.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    The battle of Lake erie started at the Dawn of Sept 10. With 7 vessels for the Americans and 4 for the British
  • British burn Washington , D.C

    British burn Washington , D.C
    The British were making there way slowly to Washington D.C from Cheasepeake, to burn Washinton D.C
  • battle at Lake Champlain

    The Battle of Lake Champlain was also known as the battle of Plattsburhg
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent was signed by the Americans and the British. on Dec 24, 1814
  • Battle at New Orleans

    The battle of New Orleans was a year after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, the British 7,500 soldiers marched against the US 4,500 soldiers led by Andrew Jackson on a cold January day