War of 1812

By TH0215
  • Period: to

    War of1812

  • President Madison Takes Office

    President Madison Takes Office
    President Madison was a quiet scholarly man. The U.S went to war with the Native Americans in 1812. President Madison helped to write the constitution, and to pass the Bill of Rights.
    Many Americans thought President Madison approach was to timid to go to war.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    In 1810 Henry Clay and Jonh C.Calhoun became leaders in the house of Represenatives. Clay, and Calhoun, and their supporters were called War Hawks. War Hawks are people that were eager for war with Britian. Opposition to war was stronger in New England. New Englanders thought war with Britain would hurt U.S trade.
  • Relations with Great Britain worsen

    Relations with Great Britain worsen
    The fighting with Native Americans caused relations with Great Britain to worsen. The British were supplying guns to the Native Americans. Britain was encouraging the Indians to attack U.S settlements. The U.S and Britain dissagreed over trade. France was set to expire in 1810.
  • Congress declares war with Great Britain

    Congress declares war with Great Britain
    The house voted 79 to 49 in favor of war. The senate voted 19 to 13 in favor for war.Americans soon discovered that winning the war would not be as easy as declaring it.They feared that the British would attack New England sea ports. Madison at last gave into war fever.
  • America is not ready for war

    America is not ready for war
    The U.S army was small. Congress gave $124 to the soldiers for there service. Attracted by the money young men eagerly enlisted. They were in a bitter stragle with Napolean. The Navy only had 16 ships to fight agaisnt the huge Britain fleet.
  • Britain Blockades America ports

    Britain Blockades America ports
    In 1811 the U.S and Britain drifted closer to war. British warships Blockaded American ports to stop them from trading in France. British impress American sea men. Near the N.Y Harbor a battle broke out between a British warship and a American frigrate. The Americans cripled the British ship and left 32 dead or wounded.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    General William Hall moved the U.S Troops into Canada from Detroit. Canada only had a few untrained troops to fight off the invasion. Canada was led by a clever and skillful leader. Brock paraded his soldiers in red coats to make it appear that the British soldiers were helped by the Canadiens. The Canadiens were forced to retreat.
  • Uss constitution scores a victory.

    Uss constitution scores a victory.
    Issac Hull was the captain of the constitution. The captain of the constitution spotted the British ship Guerirere. For nearly an hour they jockeyed for position. At last, the guns of the constitution roared into action. The Americans won when the british surrendered.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    The U.S wanted to win control of Lake Erie. Oliver Hazard Perry the U.S designed and made his own ships. In 1813 he sailed his tiny fleet agaisnt the British. The Americans finnaly won the battle. Perry took his flag down and rowed to anonther American ship.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of  Thames
    As the British and their Native American allies retreated the Americans pursued them. The American General was General William Henry Harrison. The Americans followed the British into Canada. They defeated the British in the Battle of Thames.
  • Horeshoe Bend

    Creek warriors attacked several southern American settlements. Andrew Jackson took comand of the American forces in Georgia. In March Jackson defeated the creeks. They decided to sign a treaty. The treaty forced the creeks to give up millions acres of land.
  • Washington D.C attacked and burned

    The British had a new strategy to attack the nations capital. A British force marched into the city. The presidents wife fled the white house. The British set fire to several goverment buildings. Americans were shocked to learn that their army could not defend the white house.
  • Attack on Baltimore

    The first objective was Fort Mchenry, which defended the city's harbor. British warships bombarded the fort. A young American Scott Key saw the attack. At, dawn key saw the American flag still flying over the fort. The Americans had
  • Attack on Baltimore

    Their first objective was Fort Mchenry, which defended the city's harbor. British warships bombarded the fort.The Americans had fought off the attack. A young American Scott Key saw the attack. At,dawn Key saw the American flag still flying over the fort.
  • The writing of the Star Spangled Banner.

    On the back of a envelope Scott Key wrote a poem. Scott Key called it the "The Star Spangled Banner". It told the story of him watching the attack. The poem became popular and was set to music. In 1931 Congress made it the national anthem of the United States.
  • Hatford covention

    In December 1814, a group of federalists met in Hartford. Delegates suggested that the New England secede, orwithdraw from the U.S. While the delegates debated, news of the peace treaty arrived. Once, and for all the U.S secured independance from Britain.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The British were tired of war. Peace talks began in Ghent. The treaty ended the war. On christmas eve they signed the Ghent treaty. Th treaty returned things to the way they were before the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The American soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves. On January,8, 1815 the British attacked. 2,000 British soldiers fell under the deadly fire of American Sharpshoters. Seven of the Americans soldiers die. U.S and Britain had signed a treatyu ending the war.