War Of 1812

  • Jeffersons Second Term

    Jeffersons Second Term
    Impressment started happening.
    With many other problems.
    Impressment is where they take other people off of the american ships.
  • Impressment

    people started get forced to join the british navy
    they where forced to join becuase the britsh where taking there ships. the british where a war with france at the time and needed more people.
  • Madison is Elected

    Madison is Elected
    Madison is elected in 1812
    He won against George Clinton
    He was elected in to a bad time because they where about to go to war again
  • War of 1812 is started

    War of 1812 is started
    The war started in 1812
    it was with the british and the americans.
    It started because the british where giving the indians guns to fight us.
  • Burning Of Washington

    Burning Of Washington
    The british greatest victory.
    It happens on august 24th 1814
    They burned down the white house
  • Treaty Of Ghent

    Treaty Of Ghent
    The treaty of ghent it was signed to cease fire. becaus ethey just didnt want to fight anymore.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This was considered the greatest american victory.
    It was actually after the treaty of ghent was signed.
    But communication was so slow they didnt know it was signed to stop fighting
  • End Of The War

    End Of The War
    The War ended.
    It was really eneded when the treaty was signed.
    But communication was really slow.