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War in the pacific an Eourpe

  • The battle of Atlantic

    The battle of Atlantic
    United States and Britain are the struggling to control the Atlantic routes. German boats in some sail out and destroy them
  • Period: to

    The battle of Stalingrad

    Tober 1941 the cold Russian winter put a stop to the German advance. Which didn’t get started till 19 for you too. Nazis started bombing for two months. Germany soon is there any during the harsh winter
  • The battle of Carol C

    The battle of Carol C
    Japan and American naval forces engage in the battle of the Carol sea. The battle caused damage to both sides but it prevented them from invading Australia
  • Battle of belch

     Battle of belch
    This was the largest battle in Western Europe Germans launched a counterattack in Belgium this was the resulting of the clash this is where the battle gets its name from
  • The invasion of Italy

     The invasion of Italy
    General George Patton and US troops fled Italy Italians lost hope and Mussolini leader ship when he was overthrown Italy surrenders and declared war on Germany
  • The battle of d-day

    The battle of d-day
    The beginning of western Europe began heavy. Western Europe citizens fled the city and DJ started by late July nearly 2,000,000 Allied troops were in France