War in the Pacific

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attacked American navy at Pearl Harbor, causing many casualties and extreme damage.
  • The fall of the Philllipines

    Days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked the Phillipines and gained control
  • THe battle of the coral sea

    Plan from the Japanese to attack New Guienea was intercepted, and the US won
  • The doolittle raid on tokyo

    The United States wanted to raise morale, so they planned to use a b-25 bomber to bomb Tokyo
  • Battle of Midway

    Midway was attacked by Japanese, but the US was ready due to the cracked Japanese code. The US won the battle and created a huge turning point in the war.
  • Plan to attack and retake the phillipines

    Created an island hopping plan, whic was to take island after island until they eventually take out the Philiipines then attack Japans mainland
  • Attack on tarrawa

    The US sent troops and the amphtrac to battle on Tarawa. The US won despite many casualties
  • Island hopping plan underway

    US attacked the Marshall Islands, the Marianas, and used these as bases to attack Japan with the new b-29 bomber.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    The Japanese ambushed the United States in the Leyte Gulf, and used "Kamikaze" attacks by crashing planes into american ships. As Americans were getting desperate the Japnese retreated as they thought more ships were on the way
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The atomic bomb was first ever used in an act of war in august of 1945, these succesful bombs led to the surrender of Japan