Period: Jan 1, 1111 to Jan 1, 1111
Imperialism was is a huge factor in WW1 as several nations scramble to conquer other nations. -
Long before the archduke was killed, tensions were high when people started to believe that, a nation should express the nationalism of a single ethnic group, instead of multiple groups. -
Militarism in short, is the glorification of the military. Before WW1, Germany had a huge army and the largest collection of guns. Britain increased their navy to keep up with Germany's navy, which was threatening to rival their own. More troops, tanks, and guns were made. -
The Alliances of WW1 were split into two groups, the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of Russia, Great Britain, France, and United states. The Central Powers consisted of Austria- Hungary, Germany,Turkey, and Italy. -
Period: to
The Start of World War 1 and the The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie
WW1 is believed to have been started when the the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated. The assassin was a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip, who saw the archduke and his wife in a car, and drew a pistol killing them both.. This act sparked an investigation into the assassination, and Austria-Hungary wanted Serbia's full cooperation. A-H declared war when Serbia did not meet all of A-H's demands. -
Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
Germany promised the unconditional support for whatever action Austria-Hungary might take to punish Serbia, after the assassination of the archduke. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
The Lusitania set sail May 1, 1915, to Liverpool. The ship was filled with munitions and contraband to help with the British war. The ship was shot by a German torpedo, killing 1,198 of the 1,959 people. Men, women, children, and infants were killed. Americans were angered about the death of so many, and the death of other Americans. -
Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany started blowing up any ship that was around the British Isles, as they declared it a war zone. This quickly went bad for them when they sunk the Lusitania, which became on of the factors that led to WW1. -
The Zimmermann Telegraph
America was neutral until this telegraph was intercepted by British cryptographers. The telegraph was an offering to Mexico to help join the German cause. -
US entry into the war and the impact on it
The US originally wanted to stay neutral and not enter the war. However, after the Germans made some unrestricted attacks on American ships and ships containing American passengers, and the fact that the British intercepted a German Telegraph, the US decided to join. -
Effects of WWI
The death toll was 38 million in total, from all nation participating. People became disillusioned, and started distrusting political leaders. Germany had to pay back 31.5 billion in reparations. 9 new nation were formed after WW1 -
Treaty of Versailles
WW1 ended with the signing of this Treaty of Versailles, but WW2 started because of it. The Treaty was written with no participation of the Germans, and mostly hurt Germans. German armies were halved, and forbade to have certain types of weapons and vehicles. Territories that they took, were given back, and Germany had to pay reparations. -
Dawes Plan and Young Plan
After the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay reparations for the damage they had caused. Germany had to pay approximately 31.5 billion in damages, and they could not do it. The Dawes plan was set up to reduce what Germany had to pay, only increasing when the economy improved. The Young Plan was formed to further decrease the dept payed to 29 billion, payed over 58 years. -
Great Depression
After WW1, the economy for most nations had suffered greatly. Britain had trouble exporting goods due to the German U-Boats blowing up their ships during the war. Germany had to pay off their 31.5 billion debt. The American stock market crashed due to Black Tuesday. Unemployment was through the roof. -
Hitler's Rise to Power
Hitler worked his way to power by being a good speaker and appealing to those who were young and out of work. He created the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or Nazi party. The Treaty of Versailles made Germans angry and Hitler promised to defy it.