Birth of Joey(Main Character)
Joey is Sold
Joey is sold at a horse auction. -
Joey meets Alfred
Joey is introduced to his owners son, Alfred. -
A Brush with Death
Joey is almost shot by alfred's father after kicking him. -
Period: to
Joey is A Farmhorse
For this timespan Joey is a loyal farmhorse for Alfered. -
Joey is sold to the army to be a cavalry horse for the british army. -
Prisoner of War
After Joey's rider is killed he is taken by the German army to be a workhorse. -
Period: to
Cart Working
Joey and his friend Topthorn work as an ambulance hauling wounded soldiers to a hospital. -
Period: to
A New Home
Durig a lul in the war Joey and Topthorn are being cared for by a little girl, Emile, and her old grandfather. -
The War is Back On
Joey and Topthorn are once again taken by the Garmans to houl artillary weapons to the front lines. -
Topthorn Dies
After sucummbing to exhaustion, Topthorn dies. -
After escaping from his harnasses, Joy runs away from the Germans and deeper into France. -
Found Again
Joey stumbles into no-mans land, the gap in between the front lines of both armies, and becomes entangled in barbed wire. -
Joey is reunited with Alfred when he is taken to a British veterinary hospital. -
A Brush with Death II
Joey comes down with tetanus, a diesease he picked up from his wounds, and almost dies of parylization. -
The War is Over
World war one has ended. -
Joey is Sold
Joey is sold to Emile's grandfather. After the horses left, Emile died of pnumonia and her final with was to have Joey live at her grandfather's farm. -
Reunion II
Emile's grandfather gives Joey to Alfred, saying that he has no use for him at the farm. -
Joey and Alfred live on Alfred's (Now sober) father's farm for the rest of their lives.