War horse tie in cover.grid 4x2

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

  • Period: to

    1910 - 2000

  • Joey is bought as a foal

    Joey is bought as a foal
    Joey is bought as a foal by Mr. Narrcott at the action and is going to be trained to become a farm horse to work along side old Zoey....
  • Joey is trained to plow

    Joey is trained to plow
    Joey is trained by Albert Narrcot to plow the feilds with old Zoey, he was trained in 1 week for that Mr. Narrcot had made a bet he could be trained in so little time.
  • Joey goes to war

    Joey goes to war
    The Narrcot family is running low on money to pay off they're morgage so the sell Joey to the army for a war was beginning and they had so little money.
  • Captain Nicholes killed at War

    Captain Nicholes killed at War
    Captain NIcholes Joey's rider and friend was killed at war at the first battle.
  • Joey meets Trooper Warren his new rider

    Joey meets Trooper Warren his new rider
    Joey meets his new rider Trooper Warren who's mount was killed in the first battle along side Captain Nicholes. Trooper Warren was wonderful and caring on the ground but he didnt know much about riding horses.
  • Christmas

    The first Christmas set apon the soliders in the war it was no better than any other day at war just as cold muddy and harsh.
  • Emily a young girl & her grandfather find Joey & Topthorn

    Emily a young girl & her grandfather find Joey & Topthorn
    Joey and Topthorn are taken in by Emily & her grandfather. The horses work to pull the ambulance cart to the trenches to save woonded soliders, where the ambulance car couldnt go.
  • Joey & Topthorn become farm horses again.

    Joey and Topthorn are surendered by the army to Emily and her grandfather who now use them as farm horses to harvest they're crops.
  • Joey & Topthorn are taken away by the army

    A few months after Joey and Topthorn are surendered by the army a new much harsher army takes away the horses to become Gunners in they're team of 6.
  • Topthorn dies of heartfailure

    Topthorn dies of heartfailure
    A few years later Topthorn dies of heartfailure climbing a hill for he was over worked and never fed properly.
  • Joey is taken to a veternairy hospital..

    Joey goes to the veternairy hospital where he finds albert again... Joey lives through tentus.
  • The horses are actioned off

    The horses are actioned off
    The horses at the veternairy hospital are actioned off to butchers and some other homes. Joey is lucky and get given to Albert again.
  • Joey goes home with Albert at Christmas

    Joey goes home with Albert at Christmas
    Joey goes home with Albert at Christmas and lives on with him for the rest of his life.