War of 1812

war 1812

  • British begin to impress American sailors and force them to work on British Ships.

    British begin to impress American sailors and force them to work on British Ships.
  • James Madison delivers a report regarding British interference and impressment of sailors

    James Madison delivers a report regarding British interference and impressment of sailors
  • The American ship Chesapeake is fired upon by the British ship Leopard causing an international incident.

    The American ship Chesapeake is fired upon by the British ship Leopard causing an international incident.
  • Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.

    Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.
  • Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.

    Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.
  • America declares war on Great Britain.

    America declares war on Great Britain.
  • War Congress convenes.The Battle of Tippecanoe (in present-day Indiana), considered the first battle of the War of 1812, takes place between Tecumseh's brother, The Prophet, and William Henry Harrison's army.

    War Congress convenes.The Battle of Tippecanoe (in present-day Indiana), considered the first battle of the War of 1812, takes place between Tecumseh's brother, The Prophet, and William Henry Harrison's army.
  • General Isaac Brock is killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights (Canada)

    General Isaac Brock is killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights (Canada)
  • The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac (in present-day Michigan).

    The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac (in present-day Michigan).
  • General William Hull enters Canada. This is the first of three failed attempts made by the U.S. to invade Canada.

    General William Hull enters Canada. This is the first of three failed attempts made by the U.S. to invade Canada.
  • The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac (in present-day Michigan).

    The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac (in present-day Michigan).
  • British and Indian allies repel American troops at the Battle of Frenchtown (present-day Michigan). American survivors are killed the following day in the Raisin River Massacre (present-day Michigan).

    British and Indian allies repel American troops at the Battle of Frenchtown (present-day Michigan). American survivors are killed the following day in the Raisin River Massacre (present-day Michigan).
  • Riots break out in Baltimore in protest of the war.

    Riots break out in Baltimore in protest of the war.
  • The warrior Tecumseh is killed at the Battle of the Thames (Canada).

    The warrior Tecumseh is killed at the Battle of the Thames (Canada).
  • The Battle of Plattsburg on Lake Champlain is a major American victory, securing its northern border. The Battle of Baltimore takes place at Fort McHenry, where Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner.

    The Battle of Plattsburg on Lake Champlain is a major American victory, securing its northern border. The Battle of Baltimore takes place at Fort McHenry, where Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner.
  • The siege of Fort Meigs (present-day Ohio).

    The siege of Fort Meigs (present-day Ohio).
  • Captain Perry defeats the British at the Battle of Lake Erie.

    Captain Perry defeats the British at the Battle of Lake Erie.
  • U.S. troops capture and burn the city of York (present-day Toronto)

    U.S. troops capture and burn the city of York (present-day Toronto)
  • The War of 1812 premiered Monday, October 10, 2011. Check Local Listings to see when it's airing on your local PBS station.

    The War of 1812 premiered Monday, October 10, 2011.  Check Local Listings to see when it's airing on your local PBS station.
  • To Great Britain the War of I8I2 was simply a burdensome adjunct of its greater struggle against Napoleonic France. To the Canadians it was clearly a case of naked American aggression. But to the Americans it was neither simple nor clear. The United State

    To Great Britain the War of I8I2 was simply a burdensome adjunct of its greater struggle against Napoleonic France. To the Canadians it was clearly a case of naked American aggression. But to the Americans it was neither simple nor clear. The United State