• Period: to

    Revolutionary war

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • Capture of Fort ticonderoga

  • second Continental Congress meets

  • George Washingtons Named Commander-in-Chief

    George Washingtons Named Commander-in-Chief
  • Battle Of Bunnker hill

  • american defeat at quebec

  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
  • Declaration of independance Issued

    Declaration of independance Issued
  • Battle of long island

    Battle of long island
  • Battle of trenton

    Battle of trenton
  • British occupy Philadelphia

    British occupy Philadelphia
  • Battle of Brandyvine

    Battle of Brandyvine
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
  • Articles of Confederation Adoped

    Articles of Confederation Adoped
  • Winter at Vally Forge

  • Alliance with France

  • Battle of Monmouth Court House

  • Fall of Savannah

  • Spain enter war

  • Siege of Charleston

  • Benedict arnolds treson discovered

  • Siege of Yorktown

  • French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay

  • Coenwallis surrenders

  • British occupy New york City

    British occupy New york City