Walter Cronkite (American History)

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Very stressed and tired tonight covering the Cuban Missle Crisis. President Kennedy has put a Boundary against Russian ships and the island of Cuba. More Information
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    I just announced the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I then therefor made an Half an hour Broadcast covering my report. Such bad news to hear he's gone. Love, Walter More Information
  • Eisenhower Revisits Normandy

    Eisenhower Revisits Normandy
    Just did a good piece with Ex-President Eisenhower here in Normandy. So sad to see so many of our boys lost.More Information
  • Visiting Vietnam

    Visiting Vietnam
    Just visited Vietnam. Not looking so good for our boys. Hope we can end this soon...More Information
  • Assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
    Very unpleasant to hear the news about Martin Luther King Jr. Hope the family is Well... Love, Walter More Information
  • Democratic National Convention

    Democratic National Convention
    Getting very intense there in Chicago tonight. Security Beating Reporters! More Information
  • Apollo Moon Landing

    Apollo Moon Landing
    Extraordinary News Apollo has landed on the moon! More Information
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Just got some new information on the Watergate Scandal. See it in my Two part Special airing the 27th and 30th. More Information
  • Costs of the Space Program

    Costs of the Space Program
    I am doing a very Special Report Tonight on the Costs of the Space Program. Such as figures of $400,000. More Information
  • Nuclear Power Plant Leak

    Nuclear Power Plant Leak
    Just got Reports in about a Pennsylvania Nuclear Power Plant Leak. Stay Safe... More Information