Wallace Stevens

By 0528
  • Modernism Fact

    Modernism is beginning to form.
  • Robert Frost Fact

    Robert Frost's first poem "My Butterfly. An Elegy" for $15.
  • Wallace Stevens Fact

    Stevens becomes a lawyer.
  • Robert Frost Fact

    Robert Frost publishes his poem "The Road Not Taken."
  • Ernest Hemingway Fact

    Ernest Hemingway injured, causing him to leave his position in the war.
  • F Scott Fitzgerald Fact

    His first book, This Side of Paradise is published.
  • Publication Date for Stevens

    "The Snow Man" is published.
  • Ernest Hemingway Fact

    Ernest Hemingway publishes his first book, 'Three Stories and Ten Poems.'
  • Publication Date for Stevens

    "Harmonium" is published.
  • Robert Frost Fact

    Robert Frost receives his first Pulitzer Prize. His first of four.
  • F Scott Fitzgerald Fact

    The Great Gatsby is published.
  • Modernism Fact

    Modernism becomes popular and more common.
  • Wallace Stevens Fact

    Stevens becomes the vice-president of Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company.
  • Stevens and Hemmingway

    Stevens and Hemingway get into a fight over Stevens telling Hemingway's sister that he was not a man and a coward. Hemingway pummeled Stevens into a puddle on the street. Stevens did land a punch to Hemingway's jaw, but the hit did not affect the Hemingway and it broke Stevens hand.
  • Publication Date for Stevens

    "Ideas of Order" is published.
  • F Scott Fitzgerald Fact

    Fitzgerald dies of a heart attack.
  • Modernism Fact

    In 1950-60, modernists began to paint hard-edge abstract paintings.
  • Publication Date for Stevens

    "Collected Poems" is published.
  • Ernest Hemingway Fact

    Ernest Hemingway delibrately shoots himself in the head.