Walk Two Moons

  • 23

    Sal's little sister

    Sal's sister dies in her mom's stomach because when Sal's mom carried Sal home it tied the umbilical cord around her neck, strangling her, changing Sal's outlook on life thinking about what could have been.
  • Period: 23 to 33


    The start of this set is a flashback about how Sal's baby sister died in her mom's stomach, pushing her mom over the edge so she leaves. Sal then starts to continue the story of Phoebe. The Winterbottoms receive another letter and Sal later uses this letter to ask questions about other people. When at school Phoebe explains Pandora's Box Sal realizes that her mom leaving might not be her fault.
  • Period: 23 to 33

    Summary continued, continued

    At the end of these set of chapters Sal finds out that the lunatic is Sargent Bickle's son. When Mr. Birkway reads the journals and reads Phoebe's he goes to Phoebe's house to give clarification. This therefore concludes these set of chapters.
  • Period: 23 to 33

    Summary continued

    The story then reverts to Gram and Gramp's drive to Idaho, and Sal realizes that they spent too much time in South Dakota making the wind rush her again. Sal then starts to talk about Phoebe's story again. In this retelling Phoebe decides to go to the police and talk about her mom's disappearance. Then Phoebe and Sal break in to Mrs. Cadaver's house only to find Mrs. Partridge inside, and they realize that Mrs. Cadaver and Partridge have a connection.
  • 24

    New message

    The Winterbottoms got a new message stating, "You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair." This makes Sal question Phoebe's suspicion by connecting the quote to various people.(Aka Mrs. Cadaver.)
  • 27

    Sal has a breakthrough.

    After Phoebe explains Pandora's Box and how it has all of the evils in the world but has hope. Sal realizes that maybe her mom leaving isn't her fault.
  • 28

    Sal reverts to her old mindset.

    While driving through the Black Hills the wind starts rushing her again. Quickening the pace of the story, and changing the setting faster.
  • 30

    Phoebe has had enough.

    Phoebe has had enough and goes to the police. Sal goes with. They think Phoebe is crazy and don't believe her, changing her approach.
  • 31

    The lunatic

    Sal finds out that on Sergeant Bickle's desk was the lunatic and figured out that the lunatic is Sergeant Bickle's son.
  • 31

    Sal and Phoebe break in to Mrs.Cadaver's house

    When they break in they find Mrs.Partridge in a chair. They search the house but the only thing they can find were hairs. They realize that Mrs.Partridge and Mrs. Cadaver have a connection changing their prospective.
  • 33

    New info about Mr. Birkway

    After Mr. Birkway read the journals and read Phoebe's journal, he came to Phoebe's house to give clarity. He said that Mrs. Cadaver is his sister, and that Mr.Cadaver died in a car accident while their mom, Mrs. Partridge was in it. Mrs. Cadaver was the nurse for her husband and mother. This advances the plot by removing possible outcomes that Phoebe had thought.