Walk through time in Psychology

  • 1879 First laboratory of Psychology

    1879 First laboratory of Psychology
    Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal laboratory of Psychology.
    This made it possible to formally begin the study of human emotions, behaviors, and cognitions.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1886 Talk Therapy

    1886 Talk Therapy
    Sigmund Freud begins offering talk therapy.
    Talk therapy is used by most practices today.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1888 Psychological Assessment

    1888 Psychological Assessment
    James McKeen Cattell became the first professor of psychology in the United States.
    Psychology is starting to move into the United States.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1896 First Psychology Clinic in America

    1896 First Psychology Clinic in America
    Lightner Witmer establishes the first psychology clinic in America.
    America is also now training future clinical psychologists.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1900 Interpretation of Dreams

    1900 Interpretation of Dreams
    Sigmund Freud publishes his landmark book, "Interpretation of Dreams."
    They are now looking at the psychology of the mind while unconscious.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1905 First Woman Psychologist

    1905 First Woman Psychologist
    Mary Whiton Calkins is elected the first woman president of the American Psychological Association.
    Women are now entering the psychology field.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1935 Radical Behaviorism

    1935 Radical Behaviorism
    B.F. Skinner known for his "radical behaviorism" further developed the theory of operant conditioning.
    This changes the playing field of psychology because now they are looking into behavior and now it can be influenced by who and what is around you.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 1952 Mental Disorders

    1952 Mental Disorders
    The first "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" is published.
    Psychologists are taking a deeper dive into psychology and are looking into mental health disorders.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 2002 The Blank Slate

    2002 The Blank Slate
    Steven Pinker publishes "The Blank Slate," arguing against tabula rasa (the theory that the mind is a blank slate at birth).
    With this discovery, we can look into the psychology of the mind from the very beginning. This discovery makes it known that our mind is working even before birth.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 2010 Sexual Orientation

    2010 Sexual Orientation
    Simon LeVay published "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why," which argues that sexual orientation emerges from prenatal differentiation in the brain.
    It is a study about how your sexual orientation is based on how your brain functions. It looks into the part of your brain that reacts to attraction and how a homosexual reacts differently than that of a heterosexual.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 2013 Gender Dysphoria

    2013 Gender Dysphoria
    APA removes "gender identity disorder" from the list of mental illnesses and replaces it with "gender dysphoria" to describe a person's discomfort with their assigned gender.
    This formally states that transgenderism is a type of identity disorder known as gender dysphoria similar to body dysphoria. Body dysphoria is a mental health disorder about hating your body. Gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder about hating your gender.
    (Bou Khalil and Richa)
  • 2025 Psychology continues

    2025 Psychology continues
    Psychologists continue to study the mind. There is still so much we don't know and understand about our minds. Everyone's mind is different. As technology continues to be accepted into society it helps us diver deeper into the psychology of it all. We have come a long way from experimental research and cutting open people's heads to brain scans and tracking the brain waves.
    (Mackenzie Logan's mind)