Exposition: 1
Addie is an eleven year old girl whose father died when she was three. She lives with her mom who got re-married and then got divorced a few years later. Addie is about to go into the sixth grade and she has a very strong father-daughter relationship with her ex-stepfather. -
Exposition: 2
This novel takes place in the past.
The novel takes place in a trailer that Addie and her mom just moved into,
Addie's school,
The mini-mart near Addie's house, and
Dwight's house. -
Exposition: 3
Addie: An eleven year girl who has a very odd and mixed up family.
Dwight: Addie's ex-stepfather.
Mommers: Addie's mom.
Pete:Mommer's bussiness associate and later her boyfriend.
Katie and Brynna: Also known as The Littles, are Addie's younger half-sisters.
Jack: Addie's grandfather.
Soula: Addie's friend and in a way her mentor that works at the mini-mart.
Elliot: Soula's friend.
Hannah: Dwight's new girlfriend later in the book. -
Period: to
The timespan of Waiting for Normal.
Rising Action: Conflict
Addie has to move away from her sisters and her ex-stepfather because her mom and her stepdad got divorced. She misses her family and her mom is a little crazy. -
Rising Action: 1
Addie starts sixth grade and decides to try out for the flute.
Addie's mom has what she calls the "love of learning".
Addie states that she doesn't have the love of learning. -
Rising Action: 2
Dwight, Katie, and Brynna come and visit Addie and Mommers. Dwight and Mommers get in an argument.
Dwight announces that he has a renovation job in Lake George. -
Rising Action: 3
Addie has flute tryouts and she does well.
A boy named Robert talks to Addie and her friends and makes fun of them. -
Rising Action: 4
Addie sets a goal to make it into stage orchestra.
She goes to the mini-mart and talks to Soula and Addie helps her unpack boxes.
Addie and her mom discusses politics. -
Rising Action: 5
Dwight and the Littles come to visit. They bring a giant pumpkin and a hamster for Addie. -
Rising Action: 6
Dwight, Addie, Mommers,and the littles go out for lunch.
While they are at the resturant Addie sees a sign that says "Dory is a Numbskull". -
Rising Action: 7
It starts to get cold where Addie lives.
Addie finds out that Soula has cancer.
Addie shows Soula her hamster, she named it Piccolo. -
Mommers tells Addie about Pete, and how she got a job. Mommers starts going on dates with Pete and leaving Addie home alone for long periods of time.
Pete is her bussiness associate.
Mommers is nicer and more fun. -
Falling Action: 1
It's Halloween and Mommers won't let Addie go trick or treating.
Soula dresses Addie up in a costume.
Mommers goes to visit Pete and she tells Addie that she hasn't told Pete about Addie and the Littles.
Addie gives out candy at the mini-mart with Soula. -
Falling Action: 2
The Littles and Dwight come over and talk about Hannah.
Dwight has a new house and he now lives in the same building as Hannah. -
Falling Action: 3
Mommers gets a new car and Addie goes to visit Grandio (Jack).
She is told that she is going to be able to visit Dwight and the Littles on Thanksgiving. -
Falling Action: 4
Addie goes and visits the Littles and Dwight on Thanksgiving. She meets Hannah. She overhears Dwight and hannah talking and she hears that Dwight had tried to gain coustody of her. -
Falling Action: 5
Mommers and Dwight argue about what Addie is going to wear to her concert and Addie starts to feel a little uncomfortable around Dwight. She goes to her concert but, then sees her old music teacher. She then remembers that she forgot to return her flute to her elementary school before she left last year. She tells Dwight to driver her to her old school. There, she returns the flute and goes back home. -
Falling Action: 6
Mommers tells Addie that she is going to have another baby. Addie gets very angry at Mommers because she said that the baby will not be cared for enough. -
Resolution: 1
Addie visits Dwight again and then they talk about her dyslexia.
Addie returns home and there is lots and lots of snow. Elliot gets mad at the goverment. -
Resolution: 2
Addie's house burns down. A lady from the depertment of youth and family services comes and makes Grandio her new legal gardian. Addie moves to Grandio's house. -
Resolution: 3
Soula dies and leaves Addie a note. Elliot delivers the note to Addie. Dwight gains legal custody of Addie and she goes to live with him,her sisters, and Hannah. She is very pleased with where she is. They welcome her with a sign that says, "All To Home!"