
W.V Quine (Willard Van Orman Quine) (June 25, 1908- December 25, 2000)

  • Born

    W.V Quine was born in Akron, Ohio June 25th, 1908
  • Attended Oberlin College (1926-1930)

    Attended Oberlin College (1926-1930)
    Attended college where Quine received his Bachelors in Mathematics with an honors reading in Mathematic Philosophy at Oberlin College in Ohio.
  • Studied at Harvard University (1930-1932)

    Studied at Harvard University (1930-1932)
    Studied at Harvard University where Quine earned his PhD in Philosophy. Quine also published hid dissertation on Whitehead and Russells Principia Mathematica. Location: Cambridge, MA
  • Published a System of Logic

    Published a System of Logic
    Quine published Methods of Logic and a revised version of his dissertation.
  • Published Mathematical Logic

    Published Mathematical Logic
    He published a book called Mathematical Logic.
  • Logical Point of View

    Logical Point of View
    Quine published the Logical Point of View
  • Word and Object

    Word and Object
    Quine published the book Word and Object
  • Set Theory and its Logic

    Set Theory and its Logic
    Quine published his writings in a book called Set Theory and its Logic
  • Published Way of Paradox

    Published Way of Paradox
    Quine published his sixth book called Ways of Paradox
  • Quines seventh writing was published

    Quines seventh writing was published
    Quine published his book which was called Ontological Relativity and Other Essays.
  • Published The Roots of Reference

    Quine wrote and publish another one of his works. The Roots of reference.
  • Published another writing

    Published another writing
    Quine publish another book called Theories and Things
  • Quine once again published another book

    Quine once again published another book
    Quine published Pursuit of Truth
  • The last writing from Quine was published

    The last writing from Quine was published
    Quine published his last book called From Stimulus to Science
  • Died

    Quine died in Boston, MA on December 25th, 2000 at the age of 92.