Jethro Tull
He created the seed drill, a horse-drawn contraption which would sow seeds into the ground in nice, neat lines. This invention helped advance and served as the basis for agricultural developments throughout years to come -
Abraham Darby
Created a new method of iron smelting, using coke from the furnaces instead of coal. This provided a great boost to the iron production in Britain, with it now being more economically viable. -
Nicholas Leblanc
Created the process of creating soda ash (sodium carbonate), from regular salt. It was an important advancement for the making of soda ash, because it was simple to perform, direct, and most importantly, it was economically viable too. -
Thomas Newcomen
The inventor of the Steam engine, which helped greatly in Industrial settings, draining mines and deep caverns, as well as using water to power waterwheels much quicker than before. -
John Roebuck
A chemist who was best known for his "Lead Chamber process", which allowed the production of sulfuric acid. The process could produce much much more sulfuric acid and at a faster rate than the previous tactic of using bottles, so this decreased time and emissions taking place for such chemicals. -
James Hargreaves
Credited for the creation of the spinning Jenny, which managed to cut down on the time needed to spin thread, since it spun with multiple threads at once! This helped greatly in the textile industry, especially for cotton. -
Jeremy Bentham
Especially made the form of the philosophy of Utilitarianism into what it is, and provided it a great deal of strength to it in social and political environments. Announced it as the guiding principle of law. -
Samuel Crompton
Creator of the Spinning Mule, which allowed for tons of thread and yarn to be made, all while retaining a high quality. Combined the water frame and the spinning Jenny. -
Alessandro Volta
Immense contributions to making electricity and its usage more widespread. Created the Voltaic Pile, which served as the world's first battery. It had the ability to create an electric current, and would allow for more optimized use of electricity. -
George Stephenson
Known as the "Father of Railways", George was the creator of the first Railroad Steam Engine, which revolutionized transportation. He went on to develop railroads, more locomotives, and better types of locomotives for all different reasons. -
David Ricardo
Wrote many different theories on economics, his most famous being Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. These helped shape the different ways of work and ideas during the Revolution. -
Elias Howe
AMERICAN inventor who made the sewing machine.