voting rights

  • rise of democratic politics

    This rise of democratic policies began early on where the right to vote was narrowly given to white male landowners. States could decide who voted and some even enforced religious tests so it was christian men voting. Voting rights were protected by states though, and allowed the people to have a say in the formation of a democracy.
  • 15th amendment

    This amendment allowed african american men to vote in all states. Voting rights became protected under these series of reconstructive acts which was a big milestone for african american men, allowing them to vote despite prior enslavement, race or color.
  • 19th amendment

    This gave suffrage to women, allowing them to vote. This protects the right to vote by allowing white women to vote after campaigning for suffrage and the right to participate in american politics. By expanding another majority of the population to vote, more democratic policies that included rights for women could be introduced.
  • indian citizenship act of 1924

    This allowed Native Americans the right to vote. This showed how voting rights were protected by giving native americans the right to lots of the same rights given to citizens with prior european descent. States could control voting with native americans, which means some states did barr the right to vote for native americans though.
  • McCarren Walter Act of 1952

    This act allowed asian-americans the right to vote. This shows the protection of the right to vote by showing how the expansion of immigration laws also had an effect on who could vote and participate in political passage of laws. As full imigrants often failed to have a say in law, american born asians could vote, marking people of colors inclusion in law.
  • 23rd Amendment

    This included citizens of Washington DC, in the group of people allowed to vote. Voting rights are protected with this legislation by allowing anyone who resides in the District of the Columbia and is a citizen to vote and not be denied on the basis of the region they live in.
  • 24th Amendment

    This amendment abolished taxes on voters during elections which does also empower lower class and less fortunate people to vote because of the lack of a tax imposed on them. This protects the right to vote for many voters because the fee for voting being abolished allows more people to vote freely.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA)

    This act provided suffrage for people of color when voting. This protected the right to vote for people of color as being discriminated against on the sole basis of race was not allowed, therefore letting people of color to vote regardless of the color of their skin.
  • 26th Amendment

    This provided suffrage of voting on the basis of age. This protected the right to vote for anyone 18 or older. By lowering the voting age, nobody can be denied the right to vote simply based on age, unless deemed a minor legally (under 18).
  • VRA Reauthorization of 1975

    This provided suffrage to people discriminated against when voting previously on the basis of race of language. This protected the right to vote for people who often faced language barriers or would not have been able to vote when not speaking english or being a person of color when voting or registering to vote.
  • Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act

    This provided voting suffrage for the elderly and the handicapped. This protected the right to vote for those that suffer from disbailities, illnesses, and older age. They cannot be denied the right to vote simply based on physical state.