Voting e1711380786234

Voting Rights

  • Settlement

    The First Fleet arrived at Port Jackson on 26 January 1788, and one month later, on 7 February, Australia's inaugural European settlement was formed. Subsequently, New South Wales began to draw in free settlers, who eventually believed they had the right to participate in choosing their leaders. In 1842, a limited number of male residents were given the right to vote, but they could only choose certain members of the Colony's Legislative Council
  • Eureka Stockade

    During the 1850s, international audiences flocked to the Australian goldfields. Purchasing licensed enabled them to earn money in the fields. Throughout 1854, miners protested about costly license fees & their political rights, attacking soldiers resulting in an infamous rebellion in which both parties perishing. After the uprising, several of the miners' requests were granted, including their ability to participate in elections
  • The Secret Ballot

    People used to vote publicly until the 1850s, exposing them to potential intimidation and coercion. In order to address this issue, an impartial organization for overseeing elections was formed in the 1850s to ensure fairness in the voting process. As part of this effort, the 'Australian ballot', later renamed the secret ballot, was introduced.
  • Male Suffrage

    In the 1856 period, the South Australian region extended the vote to male residents aged 21 years and over. Two years later, Victoria followed suit, with remaining colonies following their lead.
  • Women's suffrage

    In the 1880s, there was a surge in momentum for the women's suffragette movement. This movement believed that true democracy could not be attained until women had equal voting rights to men. In 1894, the South Australian Parliament reached a consensus and eventually the other colonies followed suit. Australia set a leading example in promoting the recognition of women's suffrage on global scale
  • Federation

    In 1898, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania passed a referendum to federate under an Australian Constitution. The Australian Constitution is the fundamental law explaining how our country is governed, and change to this map of political power requires a referendum. In 1899, Queensland supported the federation, and the following year, Western Australia followed suit.
  • The Australian Electoral Commission

    In 1902, a branch of the Department of Home Affairs was responsible for Australia's federal electoral system. In 1973, this branch became the Australian Electoral Office. And on 21 February 1984, following major amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) was established as an independent statutory authority.
  • Compulsory voting

    In 1924, to improve the low rates of voter turnout, amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 were made. Compulsory voting was introduced and this resulted in a dramatic increase in voter turnout at the following election.
  • Voting age

    During the 1960s and 1970s, a worldwide trend emerged in Western parliamentary democracies supporting lowering of the eligibility age to enrol and vote. Young people paying taxes, driving cars, and serving their country during times of conflict, believed they were entitled to have a say in the composition of their government. In 1973, the Australian Parliament amended the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and lowered the minimum voting age to 18 years.
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples campaigned for many years to achieve full voting rights in state and federal elections. These rights were granted federally in 1962, and in 1965 Queensland allowed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to vote in State elections. Queensland was the last State to grant this right.
  • Today

    Australia is a federal, representative parliamentary democracy where citizens have the power to elect their representatives in parliament. Enrolling and voting is a right and a responsibility of each Australian citizen. The effectiveness of our democracy depends on the active participation of all Australian citizens. How Australian governments deal with the challenges Australia faces as a nation is very much in our hands.