Voting Rights - Edward Swain and

By E_Swain
  • White Male Property Owners Could Vote

    White Male Property Owners Could Vote
  • Voting Left to the States

    Voting Left to the States
    The Constitution is adopted and leaves voting rights up to the States, where mostly white property owning males over the age of 21, had the right to vote.
  • Black Men Gain Right to Vote

    Black Men Gain Right to Vote
    15th amendment grants Black men over the age 21 the right to vote, however laws is most southern states barred them from voting with poll taxes, literacy test, and grandfather clauses.
  • Women Gain the Right to Vote

    Women Gain the Right to Vote
    The 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. However, Southern states are back at it again, with the restrictive laws.
  • Native Americans Gain Right to Vote

    Native Americans Gain Right to Vote
    The Indian Citizenship act, granted right to vote to Native Americans born in the US.
  • End of Chinese Exclusion Act

    End of Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese exclusion act is repealed, enabling Chinese immigrants, and their American-born families to become citizens, and Vote!
  • Residents of Washington D.C Gain Right to Vote

    Residents of Washington D.C Gain Right to Vote
    The 23rd amendment is ratified, granting American citizen living in Washington D.C the right to vote in presidential elections.
  • Poll Taxes Were banned

    Poll Taxes Were banned
    the 24th Amendment is ratified, prohibiting the use of poll taxes in federal election.
  • 18 and up Can Vote

    18 and up Can Vote
    The 26th Amendment is singed, granting the right to vote to US citizens who are 18 or older.
  • Right for Non-English Speaking Voters

    Right for Non-English Speaking Voters
    Districts with a significant numbers of Non-English speaking voters are required to provide instructions or assistance in registering and voting.