Launching of the vlog
The Internet-based show is created and hosted by the Green brothers: John Green and Hank Green. The first incarnation of the brothers' online broadcasting was the "Brotherhood 2.0" project.
The Greens state that their vlog has no consistent format: "Really, it's not about anything in particular. Whether we're talking about our lives, making each other laugh, or trying to get something more important across, people seem to enjoy it." -
The starting point of the brothers' success as vloggers
Hank Green uploaded a video of himself playing and singing his song "Accio Deathly Hallows" in honor of the seventh Harry Potter book. This video was the first VlogBrothers video to make the front page of YouTube. -
The end of The Brotherhood 2.0 Project
In their December 31, 2007 video, the brothers revealed their decision to continue vlogging even though the project had ended. New projects, videos, discussions, groups and forums entirely made by the VlogBrothers fan community are uploaded daily. The brothers' videos continue to be the basis of the online community known as "Nerdfighteria". -
Hank Green was interviewed by Forbes
"After I blogged about 2D Glasses last night, I decided to follow up with their inventor, Hank Green. It turns out that, unbeknowst to me, Hank is actually quite the internet entrepeneur, though he’s probably most known for his vlogging at the popular YouTube channel Vlogbrothers. So I sent Hank some questions to get his thoughts on the product, his company, and the world of 3-D movies." -
"An Evening of Awesome at Carnegie Hall"
On January 15, 2013, they featured in "An Evening of Awesome at Carnegie Hall" celebrating the anniversary of John's novel The Fault in Our Stars. The Evening of Awesome also featured The Mountain Goats, Kimya Dawson, and Neil Gaiman. It was a two-hour livestreamed event -
John Green meets Barak Obama
John Green participated in a Google+ Hangout with Barack Obama during which John's wife, Sarah, also appeared. Prior to this, she had not been seen on camera or in any of his blogs, preferring not to join her husband on camera. Her elusive attitude gained her the nickname "The Yeti". -
The channel passed one million subscribers
The fans and supporters of VlogBrothers are known individually as Nerdfighters, and collectively as Nerdfighteria. Subscribers of the brothers on YouTube are the base of the online community Nerdfighteria. The Green brothers encourage their viewers to become a community by creating websites and various projects, like the Project for Awesome, to involve their subscribers.