
Viva La France!

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    seven years war

    This was a war that happens in 1763 which drained the french economy the most which made it lead to their revolution.
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    Nobility living it up

    The nobility was people same way dressed as the kind which had a bunch of money, this was a cause of them living in smaller versions of the palace which was of course financed by the government money
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    Prisoners from Bastille

    The locals stormed the prison which held captivity from important national politicians which got freed which was a big thing in the revolution
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    Declaration of man and citizen

    This was a concept to show what a country should be like which includes the rights and the value.
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    Troops covering France

    Kind sent troops to cover france, which would make the city more aware of whats happening around them but even this troops cayuse a big explanation mark
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    Womens March

    peasant women were suspicious about amounts of grain that were brought by the kinds wife and they marched into the palace and made them move back to France.
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    Begining of Revolution

    The country was already poor because of the war that has happen recently which made them poorer than before. During this time of period Louis XIV was on the throne with his wife Marie and as a result of drawings u can see that they were never poorly dressed which could be a reason the country kept getting poorer due to their spending conditions.
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    Champ de Mars

    This was an event in the middle of France in a park where the people from the city/country where collecting signatures to show that they do not need a kind
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    National Assembley of france

    This national assembly was supposed to happen due to their low economy. The assembly got canceled due to the kind telling them their is some work in the room and its not allowed to be accessed.
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    Firing Financial Advisor

    The kind fired the financial adviser due to him telling him to stop living his lavish lifestyle while the country is starving.