Vittwia Mickelson's birth
Vittwia Mickelson was born by her mother Sarah Smeed Chapman. She lived in Kentucky. -
Moved to Burlington, Iowa. Encountered Indians.
She moved to Burlington, Iowa with her familly. She then encountered some indians for the first time. She was quite afraid but nothing happaned. -
Vittwia saw some praire schooners.
Their mottoes were ´California or Bust´and ´For Oregon´ -
They moved back to Kentucky early ´50s
Vittwia and her familly moved back to Kentucky in the early ´50s, but they later moved back to Iowa just before the Civil War. -
Period: to
Vittwia helped soldiers as a nurse in Fort Sumter.
She saw a lot of horrible things such as a contract doctor amputating young men legs even though they could have been saved without the operation. -
1870s in Colorado (Days and months not valid)
Vittwia and Henry settle down in Colorado. Vittwia got a job as a cashier in Trinidad at the the Southern Hotel. -
Vittwia and Henry went to Southern Oregon (Days not valid)
They set up at Henry's place in the foothills near Ashland. -
Vittwia married Michael Mickelson because he was sick.
Vittwia married Michael because he was sick and needed nursing -
Michael died. Vittwia continued working hard.
And afterwards Vittwia ran her brother's ranch and her husband's.