Tik Tok
First launched! -
Reaches 500 million users... creates "stories" -
Pokemon Go!
Royal Wedding
The second royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle -
Cambridge Analytica
Responsible for influencing hundreds of elections with facebook... facebook stock plummets. -
IGTV app
Instagram creates instagram tv app -
Net Neutrality Repealed
FCC repealed net neutrality -
Tik Tok
Tik Tok becomes the most downloaded app reaching billion global downloads -
First signs of corona virus start popping up. -
Covid19 is a world pandemic. Countries all over the world issue mandatory lockdowns. -
Social media continues...
Since the start of COVID 19, many people have taken to the internet and different social platforms to keep in contact with one another. There has been a significant increase of users and daily activity and will only continue to grow. -
Virtual Communication
Since the start of COVID 19 and people having to start working remote, virtual communication has been big on the radar, such as Microsoft teams and Zoom.