
Visual timeline of WWI

  • Napoleon III declares war on Prussia

    Napoleon III declares war on Prussia
    This was a planned war Bismarck provoked the French into war so that he could take more territory to unite Germany's many colonies into one strong German speaking nation. He had already done something similar against Austria in the other half of his empire. His army crushed the French and in the process seized both Alsace and Lorraine for Prussia. This was a cause of WWI, because France was eager for revenge, and to reclaim their stolen territories. As well as nervous of Germanys growing power
  • Period: to

    Events of the previous years that helped lead to war

    Tensions all across Europe began to rise as an arms race broke out between its richest countries. This led to paranoia of everyone around Europe of each other, and everyone wondering who would make the first move towards war.
    Alliances were also being formed by neighboring nations to defend one another’s interests if war was to ensue.
    These things led to unrest in many countries, each doing the same things because the other was and they did not want to be left behind in the dark ages.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is assassinated in Sarajevo.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is assassinated in Sarajevo.
    With everything that I just told you in mind, all that the whole of Europe needed to break out into war was a trigger. Serbian assassin’s took the liberty of providing that trigger by assonating Franz Ferdinand. This provoked Austria Hungry to declare war on the Serbian’s one month later.
  • Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
    Austria-Hungary declares war on the Serbians, a month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is assassinated along with his wife in Sarajevo.
    Meaning the Austrians are out for one thing only, and that is blood. By declaring war on the Serbians, they are in effect also declaring war on Russia. And by extention to Russia France as wwe..
  • Russia declares war on Austria-Hungry to defend its Serbian allies.

    Russia declares war on Austria-Hungry to defend its Serbian allies.
    Russia enters the war, to honor treaties made with the Serbians. They declare war on the Austrians, and the Germans, for declaring war on their ally. Things are just starting to spiral out of control, and into a world scale war
  • Germany declares war on Russia, to protect its Austrian allies.

    Germany declares war on Russia, to protect its Austrian allies.
    Germany mobilizes its armed forces, declaring war on Russia, making its first major move of the war. Germany knows it has to strike hard and fast, they begin a string of agressive moves starting with this one.
  • War hungry Germany declares war on France

    War hungry Germany declares war on France
    France, being allied with Russia found itself at the mercy of Germany by extension. The Germans seeing Russia honoring its treaty to protect Serbia used this as an excuse to declare war on multiple fronts. launching an invasion into France in a Back door approach through Belgium.
  • Germany invades Belgium.

    Germany invades Belgium.
    Germany, with finding the shortest route for its armed forces into Paris in mind launched a swift, and effective Invasion of Belgium. Making short work of its defenses, the Germans eye being fixed on the French. As a result of this Germany declares war on Great Brittan.
  • Great Brittan declares war on Germany for attacking its ally Belgium

    Great Brittan declares war on Germany for attacking its ally Belgium
    Because of Germanys attack on Belgium Great Brittan enters the fray, as well as her colonies around the world pledge their support and armies to Brittan’s cause. These nations included us (Canada), Australia, India, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa. They entered the fray because of a treaty. Brittan had to protect Belgium, as well as the fact that they were now allied with France. And by extension, also at war with Austria-Hungary
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.
    They declare war on Russia for supporting the Serbians, allying themselves with Germany, Austria has just set the stage for the first world war.
  • France takes its first heavy losses of the war.

    France takes its first heavy losses  of the war.
    "The Battle of The Frontiers" took place because the French believing the German advance into Belgium to be a ruse made their own push into German lines east of Paris. 27,000 French soldiers died that day. This however, and sadly would only be a very small beginning to what lay ahead.
  • Japan declares war on Germany

    Japan declares war on Germany
    Japan, honouring a military agreement with Britain, declared war on Germany for declaring war on its ally. Two days later Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Japan for the same reason
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Tennenberg.

    German forces gained from this their greatest victory of the war. Due to lack of skilled command in the Russian army, German forces were able to surround, and wipe out close to a quarter of a million Russians. They had been fighting for four days prior, from the 26th-30th of August 1914. This was another blow to the Russian leadership at the time, and played a big part in why they signed an Armistice in 1917 not 1918 like the rest of the allies.
  • First trenches are dug.

    First trenches are dug.
    The first trenches of the war are dug. Along the allies western front. This would be the beginning of a long, and bloody stale mate. And the precursor to the gas atacks that were committed by both sides, upon the men in the trenches.
  • Germany starts to anger the U.S.A

    Germany starts to anger the U.S.A
    Germany declares a submarine blockade of Great Britain. Any ship approaching England is ordered a target. This is the turning point for Germany, and it is not for the better. This act defines the beginning of what would result in hostilities with the U.S.A.
  • The Seccond battle of Ypres

    The Seccond battle of Ypres
    This battle marked the first use of gas warfare. The Germans introduced this new, brutally horrible, and effective method of killing. and claimed many British lives. It being the first instance where gas was ever used, the men had no protection from it, and were left to not be able to run, only die horribly in their trenches, their lungs being burned from the inside out. This, and the bombings from the German Zeppelins mark some of the century’s first instances of total war.
  • Italy is finally forced to pick a side

    Italy is finally forced to pick a side
    Italy finally steps into the war, but does the unexpected, and sides with the Allies, instead of the Central powers who were her old Allies, in a hope to steal territory from Austria-Hungry.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Verdun

    France's defining moment, and turning point of WWI. The Germans mounted an attack on the French at Verdun designed to “bleed the French dry”. Although the fighting continued for nine months, the battle was inconclusive. I think the French won, because they pushed the Germans back and held them at bay. Casualties as to be expected with such an event were enormous on both sides with the Germans losing 430,000 men and the French 540,000. This was the biggest and longest battle of the war.
  • Period: to

    The battle of Somme

    This was Brittan’s defining moment in the war, and the turning point they provided for the allies. They started this battle to relieve some of the pressure off of the French at Verdun, for the Germans planned to bleed them until they had no army left. This made the French be able to push, and re capture ground, and inevitably defend their borders from the Germans. 420,000 British troops were killed, as well as 200,000 French. And 500,000 Germans. All over twenty five miles of ground.
  • Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare for the seccond time

    Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare for the seccond time
    This was the turning point in the war for Germany, and it was their key failure. They started blockading British harbours, and sinking any ships going into them. They had already stopped doing this, in 1916 because the Americans were getting angry that their sailors were being killed. They started sinking all ships that came to trade with Brittan again, provoking Woodrow Wilson to Enter the war for the first time with the U.S.A.
    Which was inevitably the deciding factor that ended the war.
  • Tsar Nicholas II abidicates his throne.

    Tsar Nicholas II abidicates his throne.
    Russia appoints a new government to power, the reasons being discontent because of the failed war against Japan in 1905, and the losses Russia as facing during WWI. Russians were not happy, and revolted until the Tsar gave up his rule. He was later executed along with his whole family, and several servants
  • U.S.A enters the war

    U.S.A enters the war
    Three months after German subs started sinking American ships, and threatening American trade, president Wilson, and the U.S.A (FINALLY) entered the war. They entered on the allies side, sending American troops to reinforce the allied ranks all over Europe. This in the end is what led to the war ending, with the Americans joining in on the allied side, the Central Powers could finally be defeated.
  • Canadas defining moment, and turning point of WWI:

    Canadas defining moment, and turning point of WWI:
    Under British order to take Vimy Ridge Canadian troops did what the French had lost over 100,000 failing to accomplish losing only 3598 troops. Storming Vimy on April 9th 1917, it was the first time all four Canadian divisions had fought together in a planned assault. The reason it worked was they had spent weeks in training their men into different roles, rifle men, machine gunners, and grenadiers. And unimaginable amounts of heroism from the Canadian troops that made this an allied victory
  • Canada issues a Wartime Elections act.

    Canada issues a Wartime Elections act.
    In preparation for an election mainly on the issue of conscription the government changed the election rules. Allowing for the first time in history some Canadian women the right to vote for the first time in our history in a federal election. But only those with husbands away at war. While other Canadians lost their right to vote in sweeping changes to enfranchisement. This was a minor event, but just another way the war affected us all
  • Russia signs an Amistice with Germany

    The war is over for Russia, they faced to heay a loss of men to continue. That, and revolt, and change of leadership back at home played a part in Russian withdrawl. Leon Trotsky, signed an armistice with Germany.
  • Russian Armistice with Germany

    Russia signs an Armistice with Germany, and agrees to terms to end hostilities. Due to changing government failed military campaigns, and soldiers striking because of such heavy losses. It was impossible for Russia to continue this war.
  • The war is ended.

    The war is ended.
    On November eleventh nineteen eighteen. At eleven o'clock in the morning Germany, and the Allied forces sign an Armistice. The war is over. People around the world rejoice, and hope this never happens again
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is finally agreed upon, and signed after much debate. After the casualties of WWI being so high (8.5 million with 21 million being wounded.) This treaty was formed to ensure this would not happen again. This treaty took land from Germany, and gave it back to those it had been taken from to begin with. They made Germany pay France, and Belgium for repairs to their countries for damages caused. They also made restrictions on Germanys military. And what they could have.
  • The League of Nations forms

    The League of Nations forms
    The league of nations was formed once the war was over. They formed to stop future wars like this one from happening. They were given power to put sanctions on countries in times of war, restricting their trade with the rest of the world. And ultimately wanted to maintain world peace. The league of Nations is an early version of what we now know as the United Nations. The league`s strongest powers were Britain and France. The U.S.A after founding the idea refused to join.
  • Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch
    Bavarian Prime Minister, Gustav Kahr, was addressing a meeting of around 3000 businessmen at a beer hall in Munich. Hitler and 600 of his (SA) went into the meeting from the back of the hall. They lined the sides of the hall in an attempt to intimidate those in it. Hitler would intimidate the local politicians at the meeting into saying at least that they would go along with his plan. However he let them go and they reported it to their superiors, so when Hitler went to take over he was arrested
  • Beer Hall Putcsh part three

    This gave Hitler the support he needed to attempt to overthrow the government in place at the time. He was imprisoned for this, but only for eight months. This was in my mind where Hitler really began, he had some success before this, but this gave him power with the people.
  • Beer Hall Putsch part two

    This event was a result of the treaty at Versailles. Why? Because Hitler used the treaty to form support in the new NAZI party. Many Germans believed it unfair how they were treated. And that the existing government was traitorous for agreeing to except the terms of Versailles. For in doing so they not only had to pay out the little wealth the country had. They had to admit that the war was solely their fault. Which in many German's eyes was not the case...
  • German Elections (Last paragraph)

    And seats from his next three elections, all the way to 43.9% of the vote. Right before he took over rule of Germany. He was popular among municipal elections as well. But what really helped him was when the German banks closed for three weeks on 11th May, 1931. This resulted in thousands going hungry, and being unemployed. This made Nazi’s spike to start averaging 40% of the popular vote in local elections.
  • German elections, Hitler's party gets it's first twelve seats. Part one

    German elections, Hitler's party gets it's first twelve seats. Part one
    This was a direct result of the treaty of Versailles. Hitler has been rapidly gaining support for years prior to this election. He had no seats until now, but after being released from prison, and re organizing his party in 1926, he was afforded this small, yet in the scheme of hiss rise to power this huge victory. The Nazi party gained twelve seats, or 2.6% of the vote. This is step one down the road to Hitler’s political rise. The next steps being that he rapidly gains more favor.---------
  • Hindenburg dies, Hitler rises

    Hindenburg dies, Hitler rises
    Hitler declares himself Fûhrer. Oath of loyalty to Hitler made by the armed forces, and a referendum sees this act confirmed with 89.3% of the vote in favor. This is a direct result of the treaty of versailles because for the previous fourteen years Hitler used Germanys treatment in the treaty to gain favor among his party, and rise to power under the ideals that Germany should not be bound to a treaty that is so unfair to them, but no one else. When in their mind it was Austria who started it
  • Adolf Hitler makes a deal with Stalin

    This involves a non-aggression pact between the two countries. However Hitler has every intention of breaking this pact. He just wants Russia to not intervene when he goes to war with France.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland. They use over a thousand planes, and two thousand tanks. The Polish Military is quickly overwhelmed due to the Germans superior force, and encirclement tactics. The Polish government is forced to surrender. Poland would stay under German control until January 1945.
    Works Cited:
    History.co.uk. “World War II”. “Poland”. Web. No dates on when it was published that I could find.
  • Great Brittan and France go to war again. This time with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.

    After Hitler fails to comply with Brittan’s request for Germany to pull all German troops out of Poland before midnight September 1st. Brittan is forced to declare war.
  • German troops invade France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxemburg

    Denmark had already fallen. The Germans surprised the allied troops. Forcing them into retreat. British soldiers retreated. Leaving French soldiers to fight for their lives, and witness the fall of their homeland. thousands of refugees were sent to look for shelter. POW’s were taken, and treated without humanity. They were given no food or water and forced to march long miles to POW camps.
  • The Allies in France are defeated.

    Three hundred thousand Allied soldiers had crowded onto the beach at Dunkirk. Their nerves were shot from so much war, They had retreated as far as they could, their backs to the water as they retreated loading into transports. Brittan now stands alone.
  • France admits defeat, and surrenders to Hitler

    France begins to falter, this leads to an armistice with Germany five days later. Brittan now knows they are now truly alone in the war.
  • Hitler begins the Battle of Brittan. The blitzkrieg has begun for Brittan.

    Hitler launches a series of night time air raids over Brittan, these were intended to target Brittan’s industrial cities, and weaken them for a German invasion. The Germans outnumbered the British in planes, but were further away so even though they had numbers, the British could continuously refuel and get more ammo when the Germans would have to return to base. This battle was fought for air superiority.
    Trueman, Chris. History Learning Site. “Battle of Brittan”. Web. 2000.
  • German occupied Poland

    Jewish people were required to wear arm bands with a star of David on them to make sure they can be singled out. Is German troops noticed a Jewish man wearing a dirty arm band, or none at all he would be beaten awfully or killed. Children starve, orphaned and left to die like animals.
  • Germany occupies Yugoslavia

    The Serbian towns were hit particularly hard for resisting. After a German officer, and nine of the German population were killed by Serbian rebels. This provoked German soldiers to hang several partisans. People were hung from lamp posts, so many that people of the time became accustomed to the sights.
  • Hitler invades Russia. launching Operation Barbosa

    This would result in the longest bloodiest battles of the war, and in appalling consequences for the Russian people. Millions of Russians would be killed, and hundreds of thousands taken prisoner. German troops advanced to Stalingrad. The soviets finally pushed back forcing Germany into surrender it could have all been avoided if Stain had listened to his spies, and allies that Germany was about to attack.
    Simkin, John. Spartacus Educational. "Operation Barbosa". Web. March. 2013.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbour

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbour
    Japanese kamikaze pilots attack Pearl Harbour, catching the Americans in port off guard, sinking air craft carriers, battle ships. They attacked with bombs, and flew their planes straight into the U.S.A ships. This was a huge mistake because it gave the U.S.A reason to enter the war.
    Works Cited:
    Naval History and Heritage Command. “Pearl Harbor Raid, 7 December 1941
    Overview and Special Image Selection”. Web. 2013.
  • Singapore falls to the Japanese in February

    Singapore falls to the Japanese in February
    Singapore falls to Japan. The Japanese sent an invasion force to capture Singapore the day before they attacked Pearl Harbour. After weeks of fighting they finally seize Singapore, defeating British troops, and taking over sixty thousand POW’s.
    Works Cited:
    History.com. World War II. “Singapore Falls to Japan”. Web.
    History.co.uk. “15 February 1942: Singapore falls to Japan”. Web. 2013.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    The Japanese wanted to draw out and destroy the remaining American fleet by invading the Island of Midway. The Americans found out, and sent their remaining air craft carriers in to stop them. The Japanese attacked too early. When the Americans countered they were caught trying to re arm planes with torpedoes making it easy to quickly sink the Japanese fleet.
    Hickman, Kennedy. About.com. Military history. World War II. “Battle of Midway Turning Point in the Pacific”. Web. 2013.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    The fighting over Guadalcanal would be long and bloody. The Japanese took heavy losses. This was a key victory for the United States, because it left them room to continue their campaign against Japan to more victories with the capturing of Henderson’s Airfield. The Battle would not be won until February 9th 1943 when the Japanese would evacuate the Island.
    Hickman, Kennedy. About.com. Military History. World War II. Battle of Guadalcanal. “Battle of Guadalcanal - Conflict & Date”. Web. 2013.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    German forces outnumbered the Russians but the Russians intended not to give up a single foot without hurting the Germans. After several months of fighting, the Germans controlled most of the city. But were running out of food and supplies. The Luftwaffe promised supplies, but were only able to drop a little over a third of what the huge German Army needed. Forcing the German defeat in February 1942.
    Works Cited:
    Wikipedia. “The battle of Stalingrad”. Web. 31. March. 2013.
  • Second Battle of El Alamein

    Second Battle of El Alamein
    -5th November 1942. This battle resulted in an allied victory from Lieutenant General Bernard that allowed them to push further into Africa. This battle resulted in heavy losses for the Germans, including whole armoured divisions. This victory paved the way for the Allies to launch the invasion of Italy. Works Cited: Hickman, Kennedy. About.com. Military History. World War II. Second Battle of El Alamein.” Second Battle of El Alamein – Conflict” Web. 2013.
  • The first genocide in human history is committed.

    I could find the exact date it began So I chose one to coincide with the timeline seeing as it went on over the course of the year. But In 1942 the mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins. Germans kill thousands of Jewish people, in gas chambers. And however they see fit. This is truly the darkest moment in our collective history.
    Wikipedia. “Auschwitz Concentration Camp”. Web. 27. March. 2013
  • Mussolini resigns

    Mussolini resigns
    Mussolini is forced to resign as the Allies rapidly gain ground from Italy. This leaves the country in a sorry disregard, and leads to the surrender shortly after.
  • Italy publicly surrenders

    Italy publicly surrenders
    With Mussolini replaced, and with Italy taking so many losses. They agreed to surrender, and allow the Allies to land to push Germany back further up the Italian peninsula. Italy surrenders, so Germany is forced to fight over Italy by themselves.
    History.com. World War II. “Italian surrender is announced”. Web. 2013.
    For the picture: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/september/8/newsid_3612000/3612037.stm
  • D-Day

    The Allies launch a massive group attack on the beaches of Normandy in a plan to break through to the Soviet lines. Canadians played a huge role in this victory for the Allies. This was one of the turning points that won the Allies the war. They took position in Normandy, and set out in different directions fighting Germany together from all fronts. Works Cited:
    Hickman, Kennedy. World War II. D-Day - The Invasion of Normandy. “D-Day - Conflict & Date”. Web. 2013.
  • Attempted assassination of Hitler (The July Bomb Plot) fails.

    Attempted assassination of Hitler (The July Bomb Plot) fails.
    The July Bomb Plot was an attempt by a senior German officer to kill Hitler, and end World War II. This was the closest attempt on Hitler’s life, but was unsuccessful.
    Works Cited:
    Trueman, Chris. History Learning Site. World War II. World War II in Eastern Europe.” The July Bomb Plot” Web. 2013
  • The liberation of Paris

    The liberation of Paris
    The French began an uprising, That and the Allies finally arrive in Paris, after several days of fighting beginning on this day the Allies liberate Paris from the Nazi's, and begin the liberation of France.
    Wikipedia. “liberation of France”. Web. 27. March. 2013.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Rather than face justice for his war crimes Adolf Hitler kills himself as Allied forces reach Berlin.
    Works Cited:
    Wikipedia. “Death of Adolf Hitler”. Web. 28. March. 2013.
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    Japan has been defeated, meaning the Axis are no more. The world rejoices, and mourns the millions of fallen. Here is where I found the picture.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    Japan surrenders after atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, and Nagasaki on August 9th that The United States used as a show of force, the second bomb was not necessary, and that if given time they would have surrendered all the same because the first bomb devastated their entire country. This was genocide same as the Holocaust.
    Rosenberg, Jenifer. About.com.20th Century History. Events. World War II. Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. “The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki"