Virtual Museum Exhibit

  • Introduction (Part 2)- How has advertising drink products by form of unjust claims changed since the 1900s?

    When taking a look at advertisements take the time to research and justify claims. Then, we don't reap the same mistakes generations before we have made in the advertisement scheme. When thinking about the root of an advertisement remember the end goal is for them to sell you their product no matter what it is. Therefore, keep in mind the claims they are making before committing to something that could potentially alter your life. Whether it be food or drinks they all have the same goal in mind.
  • Artifact 1 Piece 1

    Artifact 1 Piece 1
    This artifact has three pieces connected to it starting with Coca-Colas first ad in 1886 of their slogan. It then jumps in order to show the change in style, wording, picture, and slogan. Showing how ads have been shaped more into showing greater significance than just the product. It starts with just the Coca-Cola symbol and telling people its the most popular drink. During this time graphic design was not apart of culture. Pay attention to the wording as a marketing strategy from year to year.
  • Period: to

    The Advertisement Scheme/Introduction Part 1- How has advertising food and recreational products by form of unjust claims changed since the 1900s?

    Since the very first advertisement in 1477 which is a handbill advertisement created with the intent to sell encyclopedias; we have long seen misleading slogans. For example: “when in doubt - look it up in the Encyclopedia Brittanica” (Mack). Even today with advertisements from McDonald's in 2021, they still state they have America's favorite burgers. People see through past advertisement ads yet the new ones have morphed into another kind of false and unjust advertising in a different way.
  • Artifact 1 Piece 2 (1943 during World War 2 it shows a soldier coming home to the newly copyrighted slogan “coke”)

    Artifact 1 Piece 2 (1943 during World War 2 it shows a soldier coming home to the newly copyrighted slogan “coke”)
    Its significant because advertisements aren't just advertisements anymore, they have to have a greater purpose so they can connect with people and get to their emotions for a purchase. During this time period families hadn't seen husbands and wives for months or years on end (Coca Cola Company). The portrayal is to show the first thing they do when they get back is get a coke. They use events like WW2 to utilize their product. Connecting with people emotionally as a chance to get their money.
  • Artifact 2 advertisement from SlimFast of Los Angeles Dodgers coach Tommy Lasorda

    Artifact 2 advertisement from SlimFast of Los Angeles Dodgers coach Tommy Lasorda
    People everywhere trust advertisements for weight loss products to get them lean. This object illustrated that with its promise to solve everything in a week. This ad was mainly published in sports illustrated the most popular sports magazine in the world to target athletes into believing this (Andes). It claims that large amounts of companies falsely advertised. In efforts to sell their products and provide false information in order to get more commercialized even if its statements are false.

  • Artifact 3 Vitamin Water Scandal Advertisement Keys: (Label Change, Claims made, Name of product)

    Artifact 3 Vitamin Water Scandal Advertisement Keys: (Label Change, Claims made, Name of product)
    Coca-Cola claimed wrongly that its brand called “Vitaminwater” promoted healthy joints, reduce the risk of eye disease, and benefited health in general. This led to a lawsuit because none of those facts were true and the company had to change their label. “Vitamin Water” sounds healthy because they just put vitamin in front of the word water when its just a sports drink (BBC News Anonymous). This scheme was not to make healthier water but to make people and buyers think it was healthier water.
  • Artifact 1 Piece 3 (During the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic)

    Artifact 1 Piece 3 (During the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic)
    This piece during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic tells audiences to share a coke with someone for your hero the main featured being those in the medical field because those were the soldiers in this time period. Medical specialist are working overtime everywhere and this slogan tries again to connect emotionally with the event during the time frame. The purpose of all three advertisements is not to celebrate the heroes in your life but to celebrate them with a coke in your hand (Coca Cola Company).
  • Conclusion

    When thinking to the root of an advertisement remember the end goal is for them to sell you their product no matter what it is. Since its root in 1477 advertising has not changed in their goal: to sell. The changes have come in the form of wording, graphics, and fitting the needs of generational circumstances.When reading or watching advertisements keep this in mind: How has advertising drinking products by form of unjust claims changed since the 1900s?
  • Bibliography (Part One)

    Andes, Scott. “Top Ten Tommy Moments 5 Slim Fast.” Dodgers Way, FanSided, 14 Feb. 2013,
    Anonymous, BBC. “Advert for Coca-Cola Vitamin Water 'Misled Public'.” BBC News, BBC, 19 Jan. 2011,
    Mack, Stan. “What Are the Ethical Limits in Advertising?” Small Business -,, 21 Nov. 2017,
  • Bibliography (Part 2)

    “Misleading Marketing: Cheerios, 5-Hour Energy Drink among Products Tagged with Outrageous Claims.” USA Today, Gannett
    “Refresh the World. Make a Difference.” The Coca-Cola Company,
    “Tommy Lasorda, Slim Fast: Slim Fast, Food Ads, Retro Recipes.” Pinterest, 22 June 2013,
  • Bibliography (Part 3)