I was rolling the ball to Billybobra. When the ball rolled past her she started to try and crawl to it. Within a few day Billybobra was starting to get better and better at crawling. Babies tend to begin to crawl during 5-11 months with the average being 7 months. (pg 141) -
Billybobra is home after being relseased from the hospital to us today. her aunt came over today with some of her cousins. One of the cousins beggn to cry when she was hungry. Billybobra began to show emotional contagion and began to cry too. Emotional contagion is shown on page 165. -
Today we were giving Billybobra her little sippy cup. When we walked over to her she reached her hands out and said baba. This is a representation of babbling. Babbling is repetitive pre language consenant-vowel combinations made by infants universally usually starting at 6 months. (pg. 157) -
Billybobra seems to be cryomg alot lately. I can see that she is beginning to teeth so this is what is the problem most likely. Children begin to teeth during 5-9 months of age. (page 130) -
yum yum
Billybobra is beginning to transition to solid foods and is able to move food around in her mouth with tongue..Today we fed her some of the food we had for dinner and she ate it just fine. She closed her mouth around the spoon and made chewing motions. Around 6 Months of age babies are able to start transitioning into solid foods. (Page 136) -
Billybobra finally slept for six to eight hours last night without waking up crying. She has taken about two to three short naps so far today. Hopefully this starts to be a more consistent thing. Babies tedn to sleep consistently through the night at about 8 months of age. (Page 106) -
Walking without support.
Today I asked billybobra to come to me. I thought she was just going to use the wall to walk to me but she surprised me by stepping away from the wall and walking straight towards me without any support. Children begin to walk without support at 9-17 months. (page, 182) -
Telegraphic Speaking
Billybobra is Starting to string words together to make fragments of speech. She is saying stuff like my ball and more milk. This is the definition of telegraphic speaking. This type of speech can take place anywhere from 18-24 months. (page 195)