
the history of Virginia

  • jamestown

    jamestown was created. it was the first permanent engish settlement
  • tobacco seeds

    tobacco seeds
    john rolfe introduced tobacco seeds in the Americas.
  • Pocahontas

    she was an Indian girl who tried to settle the rivalry.she was captured and brought Jamestown.
  • married

    john rolfe and Pocahontas get married.
  • Indian massacre

    Indian massacre
    caused the death of 347 colonists,including woman and children.
  • royal colony

    royal  colony
    king James made Virginia a royal colony
  • bacons rebellion

    bacons rebellion
    colonists revolted.they burned the capitol and jamestown to the ground.bacon died and his supporters were hung.
  • capitol building

    capitol building
    townof Williamsburg established they had the capitol then is was burned down 2 times this was the first time
  • jamestown

    Jamestown went up in smoke
  • capitol building

    capitol building
    willaimsburg capital building was destroyed in a fire for the2ed time
  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    genral George Washington led militia into battle
  • john tyler

    john tyler
    was the first vice president to become president after William henry Harrison died.
  • french and inain war ends

    french and inain war ends
    the French and indian war was finally settled thetreaty of paris was signed
  • first continental congress meeting held

    first continental congress meeting held
    Virginians George Washington and Patrick henry attended
  • inspirational speech

    inspirational speech
    Patrick henry delivered his speech and said "give me liberty or give me death"
  • decleration of independence

    decleration of independence
    Virginian Thomas Jefferson wrote it . it regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer under British rule.
  • statute of religious freedom passed

    statute of religious freedom passed
    this gave Virginias right to choose religion and church
  • state

    virginia became the 10th u.s state.
    The State nickname is "Old Dominion".
  • george washington

    george washington
    he was elected the first president.Birth Date February 22, 1732 at Pope's Creek, Virginia
  • thomas jefferson

    thomas jefferson
    elected the 3rd us president. Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia.
  • merriwether lewis and william clark

    merriwether lewis and william clark
    began exploration of the western frontier :first americans to cross the continent all the way to the pacific ocean.
  • james madison

    james madison
    eleted the 4th us presidsnt .knowen as the "father of the constitution"
  • nat tunner

    nat tunner
    led slave rebellion against plantation owners;he was captured and hung
  • james monroe

    james monroe
    5th us president . April 28th, 1758 in Westmoreland County, Virginia
  • john brown

    john brown
    abolitionist,led group in raid to steal weapons to fight slavery.
  • Virginia seceded from Union

    Virginia seceded from Union
    they joined Confederacy; Civil War began; first Confederate officer killed at Fairfax Court House; first battle of Manassas, battle of Ball's Bluff, battle of Dranesville
  • Valuable coal

    Valuable coal
    Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox; Lee and troops forced to leave Richmond; setting fire to bridges along the way
  • Civil War ended

    Civil War ended
    Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox; Lee and troops forced to leave Richmond; setting fire to bridges along the way
  • jim crow laws passed

    jim crow laws passed
    these laws legalized segregation between blacks and whites. The name is believed to be derived from a character in a popular minstrel song.
  • pentagon

    was built in Arlington Virginia.later in 2001 was hit by a plane on September 9th 2011.
  • founding

    400th anniversary.held at Jamestown.Population has grown to about-8,260,405