Violet gets the flu; she can treat it with getting plenty of rest, drink lots of electrolytes, and covering up with warm blankets to calm the chills. To prevent that to happen again she will get a vaccination, wasj hands regularly, and take prevenative medications. -
Got Lazy
Violet began to not take care of the physical aspect of the health triangle. To overcome her laziness, Violet gor together with a group 3 times a work to get in a good work out. -
Dad Starts Smoking Again
Violet becomes worried that her father will be at risk for Stroke, Heart Attack, and Asthma. -
Set Goal
Violet set a goal for her personal health; which was eating healthier. To achieve this goal she only would by healthy foods from the grocery store and wouldn't eat fast food. -
Parents Divorce
Violet was going through a stressfull time because of her parents divorcing; she then turned to food for comfort. She eventually came to realize that other people were going throught the same thing and started opening up to other people. -
Puberty Begins
She starts to think more logically and sometimes overwhelmed with emotions. -
Violet's mom tells her that there is a huge risk in her getting diabetes if she doesn't live a healthy lifestyle. She will now have a lower risk of pregnancy complications, heart disease, nerve damage, and skin complications. -
Janet and Alcohol
Violet's friend begins drinking on the weekends. She is concerned that she may become addicted, get permanent brain damage, gets liver disease, or gets cancer of the mouth. -
Violet declares that she will wait to have sex until she is married because, she wants to save herself for her husband. She will therefor stay away from alcohol to not let herself get vulnerable in that way. She will also stay mentally stubborn if a boyfriend tries to coax her into doing something dumb. She will stay away from sex especially so she doesn't have an early teenage pregnancy. -
Took Away Janet's Keys
Violet had to take away Janet's keys while at a party; she told her that so many people die in drunk driving accidents. She also told her that the possibility of her going to jail increases when under the influence of alcohol. -
Janet Dies
Violet goes through a stage of Denial, she doesn't believe that her best friend is gone. She then eventually goes through the acceptance stage and admits that her friend just got out of control with her drinking.