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Violence and the Civil Rights Movement

By mnine11
  • Murder of Emmitt Till

    Murder of Emmitt Till
    Murder for talking to a white women (inappropiatly) as a joke
    It made blacks open there eye's and realize that whites at this time really didn't care about any blacks
  • Period: to

    Violence and the Civil Rights Movement

  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine blacks had to be escorted to an all white school by the Military so they wouldn't get killed by the mob of whites.
    It helped blacks by desegregating schools so blacks and whites could have the same rights and education in school.
  • Release and Murder of Mack Charles Parker

    Release and Murder of Mack Charles Parker
    This man was kiddnapped before his trial and lynched for being accused of raping a pregnant white women.
    It showed blacks around this time whites could do almost anything and get away with it.
  • Freedom Riders gets attacked

    Freedom Riders gets attacked
    Freedom riders were attacked for riding a bus through the most racist states in the south until they could do it without being attacked.
    It helped the black race because it earn the rights to ride on a bus or train without being attacked and sitting where they wanted to.
  • William Lewis Moore was slain

    William Lewis Moore was slain
    William Lewis Moore a white man was slain for protesting for blacks rights.
    It helped blacks because it showed that whites also don't care what race you are.
  • Birmingham uses brute force on children

    Birmingham uses brute force on children
    Children protested and were attacked with police dogs and sprayed with fire hoses.
    This made blacks open their eyes and this time they went and fought back.
  • The Murder of Medgar Evers

    The Murder of Medgar Evers
    Medgar Evers was murdered for being a civil rights leader. It helped blacks by letting them know it's time to earn their rights.
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    16th Street Church Bombing
    A bomb killed 4 girls while going into the basement of a church. It showed blacks that the KKK was a very ruthless group of people.
  • Murder of 3 Civil rights workers

    Murder of 3 Civil rights workers
    3 men was kidnapped and lynched by the KKK for trying to start a vote campaign.
    Blacks started to realize the KKK would kill if you tried to help blacks.
  • Death of Jimmy Lee Jackson

    Death of Jimmy Lee Jackson
    Jimmie Lee was shot dead by state trooper James Fowler. It helped blacks see that even cops don't care sometimes because they saw that Jimmy was even unarmed and he still was shot.
  • Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated while standing on the balcony of his room. When blacks saw this they realize people were going after the blacks that wanted to make things right.