Vikram’s Education History

  • Early learning centre

    Early learning centre
    I spent my whole kindergarden here . I don’t remember too much but I rember having lots of fun with my friends there . I also remember going to school everyday with mom or dad . I liked doing a lot of art when I was in kindergarden .
  • Lourdes 1st Grade

    Lourdes 1st Grade
    I remember choosing this school because all my friends from kindergarden went there . I remember having fun with my friends in the playground and using the monkey bar . I also hurt both my knees badly in the same year . I also used to take a skating class twice a week after school .
  • Lourdes 2nd grade

    Lourdes 2nd grade
    I also did second grade in the same school . I remember the sports day and there was a carnival in the school which I remember going to . I also think I did skating classes for the first semester . That’s all I can remember .
  • The Bharat Academy (TBA) 3rd Grade

    The Bharat Academy (TBA) 3rd Grade
    So I switched schools in 3rd grade and started at TBA . I remember playing football every morning with my friends and during break we used to play handball . I remember we plated at least 30-40 plants around the school that year . I also started playing keyboard that year .
  • The Bharat Academy (TBA) 4th Grade

    The Bharat Academy (TBA) 4th Grade
    Fourth was when the coronavirus started so we were in lock down for months . I had online school , we used to use zoom to attend all our classes . That year I only used to play some basketball with my mom . My school used to send the se boxes with some projects every month and when we needed them we used to just make it at home .
  • Online school

    In fourth and fifth grade because of coronavirus we had online school . In fourth grade my whole school year was online . In fifth grade our first semester was online and I was new to cis so I did not know anyone . After sometime I got used to it and made some new friends . That year some of my hobbies were doing art and playing guitar .
  • CIS 5th Grade

    CIS 5th Grade
    I joined CIS this year so I was new and I did not know anyone but after sometime I made some new friends . The first semester was online school because there still was coronavirus . We started school in the second semester I meet all my friends . I also used to go to guitar classes and used to play basketball everyday with my friends in school .
  • CIS 6th Grade

    CIS 6th Grade
    Sixth grade is the year that I am in right now . We chanced from elementary school middle school . I made some more friends but most of my old friends were still there . This year I still play guitar and still play basketball and football with my friends . Now we are in semester 2 which just started 3-4 weeks back .