Domino Theory
The US was paying a lot of France's war costs. Eishenhower defended The US's policy in Vietnam by stressing the belief that if Vietnam fell to Communism, so would other nations in Southeast Asia. -
Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
The French commander ordered his forces to occupy the town of Dien Bien Phu, doing this, would interfere with the Vietmihn's supply lines and force them into battle. After this, Vietmihn forces surrounded Dien Bien Phu and began bombarding the town. The French forces fell to the Vietmihn. This also led to the French to make peace and withdraw from Indochina. -
Geneva Confrence
The negotiations to end the North and South Vietnam conflict were held in Geneva, Switzerland. These accords were to temperarily divide Vietnam along the 17th parallel, with Ho Chi Mihn and Vietmihn in control of the North, and a pro-Western reign in the South. -
This group of North Vietnamese communists was formed to unite Vietnam. Ho Chi Mihn was the creator of this army. -
Overthrow of Diem
Diem discrimminated against Buddhism along with banning religious flags for Buddha's birthday. After this, Buddhists took the streets and were outraged. Diem's police killed 9 and injured 14. This led to a Buddhist monk setting himself on fire. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
President Johnson announced that North Vietnamese torpedo boats had fired on two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. Two days later, the same thing happened. Johnson asked Congress to authorize the use of force to defend American forces: In other words, he asked if he could stop this from happening. Congress agreed. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Johnson plan to increase involvement by shifting his policy to a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam. -
Tactics Used by America
The American Troops were having trouble with the Vietcong hiding in the thick forests in Vietnam, so American planes dropped napalm, a jellied gasoline that exploded on contact. The US also used Agent Orange, which is a chemical that strips leaves from trees and shrubs. It turned farmland and forests into a wasteland. These substances helped give away their hiding places. -
A Bloody Stalemate
By 1966, there were about US 360,000 troops deployed in Vietnam. And we were determined to win. The Vietcong came full swing too, using tear gas, booby traps, and guerilla tactics. -
Tet Offensive
Guerrilla fighters attacked virtually all American airbases in South Vietnam and most of the South's major cities and provincial capitals. -
Nixon Wins Presidecy
Richard Nixon the presidential election against Hubert Humphrey. Nixon's campaign promise to unify the nation and restore law and order in the nation for those who felt it was out of control. Nixon vowed to implement his plan to end the war. People thought this was promising, so he won with an outstand 100 electoral votes. -
Vietnamization is the process that involved the gradual withdrawl of US troops while south Vietnam assumed more of the fighting. 25,000 troops were being withdrawled. -
Massacre at My Lai
Media had reported of a massacre in the hamlet of My Lai. An American platoon under the command of Lieutenant William Calley. Calley and his platoon killed more than 200 unarmed South Vietnamese civilian. Throughout the war, the American soilders had acted responsible and with honor, this massacre was viewed as a symbol of a dilemma this generation faced. Most people who fought in the war had built up anger, and this is how some people dealt with it. -
Kent State University
At this University, Ohio National Guard soldiers, armed with tear gas and rifles, fired on demonstrators without an order to do so. Four students were killed and nine were wounded. -
26th Amendment
The 26th Amendment was added to the Constitution. This gave the right for everyone 18 and older the right to vote in all states and federal elections. -
Pentagon Papers were leaked
Portions of the papers that are now being called the Pentagon Papers, were leaked to the press. They stated that the government wasn't being honest with the American people. -
Two Sides Reach Peace
After the bombing campaign, the US and North Vietnam decided to hold another peace talk. Thieu gave into the pressure set by America, this allowed North Viernamese troops to remain in the South. The two sides came to an agreement to end the war and restore peace in Vietnam. -
War Powers Act
Congress passed this law as a way to reestablish some limits in executive power. It required the president to inform Congress of any commitment of troops aboard within 48 hours and to withdraw them in 60 to 90 days unless Congress approved the troops commitment. -
South Vietnam Surrenders
South Vietnam falls to North Vietnam when North Vietnamese capture Saigon. -
US Withdrawl of Troops
US withdrew troops from Vietnam because the war wasover and North Vietnam took over. There was nothing else the US could do.