Vietnam War Timeline Thing

  • United State refuses to sign the Geneva Accords

    United State refuses to sign the Geneva Accords
    On August 2th, the Geneva Accords were formed. The United States and South Vietnam both refused to sign it, mainly due to the fact that there would be a unifying election and Ho Chi Minh would most likely win that.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem's Assassination

    Ngo Dinh Diem's Assassination
    On November 1st, 1963, Ngo Dinh Diem, along with his brother, Ngo Ding Nhu, were arrested at their home in Saigon. On the second day, while being transported to a military base, Diem and Nhu were shot and killed the back of an ACP, in fear that they would escape. How this would start escalation is that the CIA backed ARVN during the coup.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    The U.S. had been provoking the North Vietnamese for some time until the North Vietnamese had enough and on August 2nd, saw the USS Maddox and fired torpedoes at it, which hit the vessel. The President didn't do anything about it. On August 4th, the USS Turner Joy made a report that there were torpedoes being fired at them. This was a false report, the rain had been messing up their radars. This time though the president decided to do something about it.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution that gave President Johnson the ability to take any measures he deemed necessary to secure peace and security within South Vietnam.
  • Operation Flaming Dart

    Operation Flaming Dart
    Operation Flaming Dart was a series of targeted bombings against North Vietnam. Apparently, these were in response to Viet Cong attacks. Less than one month later, Operation Rolling Thunder was created.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was a bombing campaign against the North started by Johnson. This was in retaliation to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  • Marines Land in Danang

    Marines Land in Danang
    On March 8th, 1965, two Marine battalions washed up on the shores of Danang, consisting of about 3,500 troops. This marked the first deployment of US troops in South Vietnam.
  • Operation Starlite

    Operation Starlite
    Operation Starlite was the first major offensive action conducted by a purely U.S. military unit. It was considered a major success for the United States and the first win against the Viet Cong.
  • Battle of Ia Drang

    Battle of Ia Drang
    The Battle of the Ia Drang Valley was the first major battle between the United States Army and the NVA. It is considered a success for the United States since 305 Americans were killed compared to an estimated 2,000 North Vietnamese.
  • Operation Attleboro

    Operation Attleboro
    Operation Attleboro was a search and destroy dedicated to finding the locations of the People's Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong then forcing them to fight. This has been noted a failure since they failed to eradicate the VC and they slowly made their way back to the area.
  • Operation Cedar Falls

    Operation Cedar Falls
    Operation Cedar Falls was a search and destroy missions set to take down the Iron Triangle, an area in Saigon know to be full of Viet Cong. Most say it was not a success and it only set back the Iron Triangle a little bit.
  • Vietnam War Draft

    Vietnam War Draft
    On December 1st, 1969, the Selective Service System conducted two draft lotteries. These were to determine the order of mandatory military service in the Vietnam War at the start of 1970.