Vietnam War Timeline - Sarah Gamero

  • Gulf Of Tonkin Incident

    The USS Maddox was attacked by North Vietname. This Resulted in the "Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution," this allows the U.S president to take any measuer necessay against aggressors during conflict.
  • Battle of Ia Drang

    It was the first major battle between the United States and the Vietnam Army. This let everyone know that Vietnam would take extreme actions even if it meant losing a lot of people
  • June 30th

    American forces are brutally assaulted by the Vietcong.
  • Phoenix Program

    This was a controversial program created by the CIA (US ) to identify and take down VietCong though programs that dealt with toruture, interrogation, etc.
  • Tet Offensive

    North Vietnam attacked over 100 cities in South Vietnam in order to make people rebel, and to make a point for the U.S to state out of the war.
  • 1969

    Assault teams attack American bases in Southern Vietnam (1,140 americans were killed).
  • Kent State Shootings

    Four unarmed students were killed and nine were wounded at Kent State University by the Ohio National Guard because the students were war protestors.
  • Use of the Draft

    Men were drafted into the war and filled vacancies, this was involunatry. Until 1773 in which the U.S air forces made it to where men could voluntarily choose to fight in the war.
  • Easter Offensive

    North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam and wanted to reunify with it. This resulted in departure from North Vietnamese offensives.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    President Nixon signed the Paris Peace Accords, which ended the U.S's involvement in the war.
  • South Vietnam's deaths

    Southern Vietnam states that they had lost the most people that year. It's possible that more than 2 million civilianz and soldiers died.
  • Vietnam War ends

    The War ends in 1975, more than 3 million perople died and in the following year, the country was unified and became the Socialist Reublic of Vietnam.