Vietnam War Timeline

  • Ho Chi Minh Declares Vietnam Independence

    Ho Chi Minh Declares Vietnam Independence
    When WWII ended, Japan gave up control of Indochina. This was when Ho Chi Minh declared independence for Vietnam. Soon after, French troops drove Vietminh into hiding in 1946. This was a political event, because declaring independence is a political decision, but the French invasion was a military event.
  • French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu

    French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
    The French planned on seizing the town of Dien Bien Phu and force the Vietminh into battle, but Vietminh forces bombarded the town, causing the French to fall to the Vietminh, and to make peace. This was a military event, because it had to do with a major military battle.
  • Diem is Overthrown

    Diem is Overthrown
    Diem was widely disliked by the people of Vietnam. He did a number of things that upset many people (for example, he discriminated against Buddhism). U.S generals launched a military coup, seizing power. Diem was executed soon after. This was mainly a political event, because a major political leader was overthrown.
  • Drafting

    Many people saw the draft as unfair. Many people protested the drafting of citizens. In this drafting period, over 3,000 Americans were persecuted for not serving in the war. This was a military event, because citizens were being involuntarily put into the military.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    On the Vietnamese New Year, North Vietnam launched a surprise attack on most of America's airbases in South Vietnam. A month later, American and South Vietnamese troops repelled the enemy troops. This was a military event, because it was a major military battle.
  • Christmas Bombings

    Christmas Bombings
    The Nixon Administration decided to drop bombs on Vietnam for 11 days straight in order to force North Vietnam to resume negotiations. They later did resume negotiations, and the U.S was able to withdraw its troops. This was a political event, because it dealt with political decisions being made.