Vietnamese defeats france at Dien Bien Phu
Battle that lasts 55 days, the Vietnamese lose 8000 men but shatters France's resolve to carry on -
France withdraws From Vietnam
South Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem elected President -
Vietcong establishes
American Helicopters Arrive in South Vietnamese
American Helicopters and 400 army men come by order of President John F. Kennedy to help South Vietnamese goverment in its war against Vietcong guerillas. -
Operation: CHOPPER begins
pilots ferry 1000 South VIetnamese soilders to combat NLF near Siagon. This becomes Americas's first combat missions against Vietcong. -
U.S. Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Grants war powers to President. -
Period: to
Vietcong mounts series of attacks across South Vietnam
Vietcong briefly seiezes control of Binh Gia. Two hundred South Vietnamese troops die -
Qui Nonh Hotel explosion
A vietcong-placed bomb kills 23 servicemen -
Operation: ROLLING THUNDER begins
A bombing offensive aimed at North Vietnam to stop supporting vietcong guerrillas in the South. -
First U.S. troops arrive in Vietnam
Period: to
U.S. Troop count
1363 Troops Killed in Action
7645 Troops Wounded -
Period: to
U.S. Troop count
485600 deployed
16021 Killed in Action
99762 Wounded in Action -
Period: to
U.S. Troop count
36100 Deployed
30160 Killed in Action
192850 Wounded in Action -
Period: to
U.S. Troop Count
475200 Deployed
40024 Killed in Action
262796 Wounded in Action -
U.S. offers North Vietnam economic aid
North Vietnam rejects offer and President Johnson increases Troop presence by 60,000 troops. -
Battle of Song Be
batlle lasts 2 days. U.S. Wins -
Operation: CRIMP begins
Deploys 8000 troops and sweep Siagon -
Tet Offensive begins
North Vietnamese and Vietcong join forces and attack 100 South Vietnameses cities and towns -
Period: to
Tet Holiday
Veitcong surge into South Vietnam killing 2500 American troops and causing America to lose public support. -
Search and Destroy ordered against Vietnamese
Mai Lai Massacre
U.S. soilders kill hundreds of vietnamese civilians in the town of Mai Lai -
Operation: ROLLING THUNDER ends
The Damage count :
900 American Aircraft lost
1818 pilots dead or missing
120 Vieetnamese planes have been destroyed in air combat or accidents
182000 North Vietnamese civilians killed -
Richard Nixon becomes President
Vietcong bombards American Bases in South Vietnam
Kills 1140 Americans -
South Vietnamese attack Cambodia
last U.S. Troops leave
Saigon Falls to communists and Vietnam War ends