Vietnam War Timeline

  • Domino Theory Coined

    Former President Dwight D Eisenhower describes a theory during a news conference that he refers to as a "falling domino theory" referring to his belief that communism would continue to spread its influence to one country after another sequentially. It was this belief that would influence many future American actions in the Vietnam War.
  • Geneva Accords

    An international conference held in Geneva, Switzerland that settled issues resulting from the Korean and Indochina Wars. This convention would result in the removal of French forces from North Vietnam.
  • Diem Assasination

    The Former President of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem was assasinated after a successful coup attack due to his harsh treatment towards North Vietnamese Insurgents. This would lead to widespread political chaos in South Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution by the United States Congress that allowed President Johnson the necessary authority during a time of war to protect and promote peace to Southeast Asia. This would allow Johnson to be able to make many future decisions that would turn the tide of the Vietnam Conflict.
  • LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam

    LBJ sent the first wave of ground forces to Vietnam as military advisors for the South Vietnamese Army. This was the first of many future deployments of American soldiers to Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive was a military campaign conducted by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong, the campaign launched several attacks, the most notable being the first battle of Saigon. The effectiveness of the Tet Offensive would put extra pressure on the opposing American and South Vietnamese forces.
  • My Lai Massacre

    A mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese Civilians by American Armed Forces in the Son Tinh District. This inhumane action would put the United States in a very negative light to both its people and the rest of the world after discovering the true nature of the massacre.
  • Vietnamization Policy

    A program put in place by President Nixon to gradually shift the responsibility of the war effort over to the South Vietnamese while slowly reducing the American Presence in the reigon through an advising role in which they trained and equipped the South Vietnamese. This would lead to full withdrawal of American Forces from Vietnam in 1973.
  • Nixon Sends Troops to Cambodia

    Former President Richard Nixon ordered a ground force invasion on Cambodia as a means for crippling North Vietnamese Supply routes through the Ho Chi Minh Trail. This would cause outrage amongst people who were against the war as it meant invading a peaceful country.
  • Kent State Shooting

    A shooting of four unarmed college students and the wounding of nine other students by the Ohio National Guard at the Kent State University Campus in Kent, Ohio after they were dispatched to handle an anti- war protest regarding the invasion of Cambodia. This shooting would open the eyes of the American public and the public opinion of the United States Government suffered.
  • Hard Hat Riot

    A counter attack launched by blue and white collar workers against collegate students who were protesting the war and promoting Anti American beliefs. Many people were injured in the violence but the protesters were ultimately stopped by the group recognized as "The Hard Hats" Due to their appearance.
  • Nixon's Christmas Bombing

    An Aerial bombing campaigned conducted by the US Seventh Air Force on the North Vietnameise that lasted 11 days. This Air Attack was very devastating and the North Vietnamese would eventually agree to resume peace talks due to the prolonged assault on the cities of Hanoi and Haiphong.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    The Paris Peace Accords were the final agreement that officially ended conflict and restored peace to the entire country of Vietnam. It established a nationwide cease fire and joined North and South Vietnam together.
  • War Powers Act

    A federal law put in place to check the power of the United States President to regulate the commitment of the United States Military without the consent of the US Congress. This bill would be vetoed by Nixon.
  • Saigon Falls

    The South Vietnamese capital of Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese forces after prolonged conflict. This was a major turning point of the war as the morale of both the American and South Vietnamese forces were seriously crippled.