Eisenhower Explains Domino Theory
Pres Eisenhower claims that one communist country leads to more on a nationwide broadcast. -
Dien Bien Phu is overrun by Vietminh
Ngo Dinh Diem refuses to take part in elections
US Urge South Vietnam leader to refuse the reunification elections. Diem agrees and Vietnam remains divided. -
Vietcong begin attacks of Diem govt
SDS Founded
US Coup takes place
The US successfully remove Diem from power ending his reign of terror over the Buddhists but opening the window for corrupt military officials. Diem is killed. -
Beginning of US Involvement
The Gulf of Tonkin incident draws the US into the Vietnam conflict and US begins active warfare against Northern forces. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Operation Rolling Thunder begins
US airforce begins carrying out bombings on the Northern forces in the Operation Rolling Thunder which targeted key North cities and industrial centers. -
US Troop Levels increased to 500,000
Johnson Announces he will not run for reelection
Protests at the Democratic Convention
Anti War protests break out at the National Democratic Convention over human rights violations such as My Lai and govt lies. -
Fall of Saigon
Saigon, capital of the South, falls to Northern forces just days after the US forces depart from their embassy.